Recovering (6)

Luke ran towards me in the next second to take the bottle away from my hands. The medicine sloshed and splattered onto the floor since it was filled to the top. I looked down since it was such a waste compared to its price.

"What were you thinking?" Luke angrily yelled before turning to me after closing the bottle.

Alex unfroze and became able to move from Luke's loud shout, bringing him back to his senses. What were both of their problems? It wasn't like I decided to drink it without doing any research. I clenched my fists as both of them stared at me like I was that stupid. Luke turned to shoot a look to Alex to help him get rid of all the bottles in the room. Were they actually removing all the bottles because they thought I would drink them when they weren't there?

This was a next level of extreme distrust. Alex began using his mana to pull off all the bottles on the shelves while Luke opened all the drawers. After a few minutes, not a single bottle was present inside the room. All the bottles were hauled out the room as Cillian received them to transport them into the next room. I looked at Alex in disgust as there were better things to spend his precious mana on.

I almost forgot there were other people in the mansion as they were keeping me separated, all alone. I wouldn't feel this annoyed and bored if Shelly and Sienna kept me company. Was there a good reason for putting me alone in this confining room? Not giving me a chance to complain, Luke frowned as he switched his focus onto me.

"How could you even think of drinking from the bottles when you don't know anything about them?" Luke started his scolding.

"Then how do you and Alex know about them?" I pulled the question back at him.

"We learned it in school. The basics during human anatomy class," Luke sighed.

"Then I also learned about them back then," I bluffed my knowledge about them.

Luke stared back at me, unconvinced since it was one of the subjects where I always failed no matter how much I studied. It was also one of the first classes in the morning where I attended class while half-awake. I tsked since Luke knew me way too well.

"I also searched for more information on my marble and there was no mention of any side effects or dangers from anyone drinking it," I added when he started to narrow his eyes.

"It was just too painful, pouring it onto my wounds," I squeezed in, hoping pity would work when he appeared like his patience would run out at any minute.

Luke was really scary when his patience ran out. He would nag and reason with me for hours, not taking a break until I admitted I would at least try listening to him next time. And the nagging that was almost like a lecture was full of his intimidating cold eyes that looked at you like you were worthless. Thankfully, he mostly did this in private, unless there were people, he could trust like Alex also present. Things would just turn downhill from there as they would support Luke and add to the lecturing. I pitied myself as I had to live that kind of life up to now.

"No one mentioned it since it was common sense that no one would dare drink a disinfectant in the first place," Luke pointed out how absurd it was for having the idea.

"But why use only disinfectants in the first place?" I tried to get my answers.

Wouldn't something like erigent be better to recover from something like poison? I waited for one of them to answer to find them silent. This wasn't the time to get frustrated again. Wasn't this what always happened? They weren't ever planning to tell me anything while demanding to know almost everything about me.

"I'll take you to the room beside you," Luke finally answered after a long moment of silence.

"I guess you're not ever going to tell me," I harrumphed with a mix of emotions.

But I guessed it was better than staying stuck inside the room, unable to do anything, not knowing how everyone else was doing. I pouted as I discovered the room beside me resembled mine, but bigger and more packed since most of the bottles were transferred here from my room. There were also couches and sofas to accommodate more people.

Instead of the normal decorations, this room also appeared more like a lab. A long table with faucets and medical tools were laid out together with beakers. I found that the people taking care of the boy were all wearing gloves, unlike when they were treating me. A strange feeling entered my chest since we were treated quite differently.

The boy was treated more like a unique specimen as he was laid out on a metal table beside the long wooden table. While the bed was empty with not a trace of it being used with not a single crease on the blankets. He groaned and turned until he screamed out in pain as Shelly frowned after pouring a bottle of medicine that was not a disinfectant. I found Sienna writing down notes as if the bottle before was a failure. What was going on here?