Charity Ball (3)

Luke made sure nobody from Charles' mansion would travel to ours as the same incident repeated until all ten pairs arrived inside the banquet hall. Traumatized students were given hot chocolate for comfort since this was in our backup plan. Lucius and Ben helped strengthen the barrier once we made sure everyone was in the ballroom.

I sighed as this was the exact reason Luke had to push me outside the dorm room earlier this morning. Delia's eyes widened as I pulled off the decorations on the wall to distribute the weapons to each of them. Maybe she didn't hear the story from Sienna yet.

"Is this what happened yesterday?" Oili asked when I gave him some knives.

"Worse," I sadly smiled.

"We had a horde of monsters surrounding us, like how the monsters are outside the windows right now," I began yelling at Luke.

Wasn't the first district supposed to be a big place? Everyone stiffened as the monsters clanged against the barrier to get into the mansion. We definitely didn't have enough mana to teleport everyone out using a teleportation gate like yesterday. I was spending more mana than I could recover during the past few days.

When things couldn't get worse, a bunch of people suddenly appeared from Luke's teleportation gate. Charles' exhausted face was evident from his ghastly face as everyone in his mansion had exhausted their mana to come here. He studied our mansion, full of weapons as Shelly ran to offer more blankets and hot chocolate.

The greater the distance, the more mana was used in the teleportation gates. It was likely they didn't have enough mana to escape back to school. The mansions were in the same neighborhood for this mission so the guests wouldn't have to spend a long time travelling.The ballroom became crowded as I continued to hand out more weapons with Alex. Who knew all of our careful preparations would become useful today?

"This is why I didn't want to leave the school today," I couldn't help complaining out loud.

People who didn't know what happened yesterday turned to silently ask me, 'Did you know this was going to happen?'

It made sense since Charles' mansion didn't have plastered weapons everywhere with fortified barriers like we did. Currently, we had more than ten layers inside the barrier defending us as we discovered that nine wasn't good enough in the last neighborhood. All we had to do was to wait for the teachers to come solve this issue.

Two teachers were to come to the event to evaluate our performance. It was then that Christopher and Daniel, our homeroom teachers came through the teleportation gate. They briefly stumbled as they noticed the swarm of monsters outside the mansion.

"What's going on?" Daniel studied the frightened students.

I pointed at the windows, hoping they would help us send everyone back to school. The school should've never continued with this mission. They had to notice something was strange when half of the class was missing from classes for almost the entire week.

After forming a plan with the other teacher, Daniel announced what would happen, "from now on, we will help with the evacuation."

Since everyone was inside Luke's mansion, the guests who came to Charles' mansion first were chosen to go into the teleportation gate first. I sighed as I knew this would mean that the hosts would be the last ones to leave. People started to chatter with hope as the first group vanished.

Daniel returned as the next five pairs from our group walked into the teleportation gate. Since Delia and Henry were one of the youngest guests, both Ethan and Oili let them go inside first. Now, only the people I was familiar with remained inside the mansion.

"What's wrong?" I asked when Luke frowned from the message he got.

"The school can't teleport more people out today since all the teleportation gates are in use to help exterminate the monsters," Luke's solemn news rang throughout the mansion.

"What? What about us?" I shook his shoulders.

Luke's tired smile told me everything as my entire world felt like it was crashing down to the ground. It hasn't been even twenty-four hours yet since we escaped from the s-class monster. The atmosphere tensed as we resigned ourselves to our fates. It was like we were automatically transitioning back into that time again.

I walked towards the highest floor in the mansion to serve as the lookout. There was no way things could get worse than now. I dragged my feet in the direction of the window as I got my marble out, ready to send messages. I desperately needed a can of coffee to get through this mess alive. But just like I have never touched a slice of pizza before in this life, I never got to drink even a sip of instant coffee.

I drearily watched the scene in front of me, drinking a mug of hot chocolate as I brought a chair to sit down from another room. Maybe it wasn't as bad this time since we had more people helping us out. Having high school students here was definitely more reliable than being by ourselves.

How pretty, there were those corrupted mana balls lighting up the night sky like they were shooting stars. I just needed a plate of dumplings to enjoy the view and some soy sauce to go with them. I admired the view as I took another sip of the hot chocolate instead. Wait, there were those mana balls in the sky, attacking the barrier!