The Almighty School (10)

"Step away!" I yelled at them.

This had to work. From the past few days of fighting these monsters, they had some things in common. Large spells worked much better than smaller ones. I read this from a manga during the brief period I managed to slip into the third district before Lucius found me. The concept of disintegration, how the creatures all transformed into ash when they were defeated. It had to mean something.

It combined the light and dark elements together to shred something out of existence. I just had to hope the spell would work even though no one had used it before. Imagination was one of the most important things when conducting a new spell when I first began learning about how to use mana. Everyone ran away from Flower as the air pressure immediately dropped, sweeping in everything into one central spot.

The swirling ball of energy formed between my hands as it swallowed all the mana in the air rather than taking from the mana from within me as its compensation. All the negative energy of ashes on the ground was swept into the ball as I placed my hands further apart as it grew bigger and bigger. Meanwhile, Flower dumbly grinned as she finally had access to her target her owners had ordered her to kill.

Sweat poured down my head as I soon abandoned my coat by shaking it off. I reached out my hands towards the monster's heart, which was the humanoid's weakness as well. Fixating my eyes on the target, I yelled, "disintergrattttionnnnn!"

Please work! A streak of light and dark swirling together like a drill punched through Flower's heart in the speed of light. A second later, Flower's horrified expression vanished into ashes while the streak of power continued after going through the hole in her chest. Wasn't this bad? The students were screaming to avoid the drill that continued to obliterate more monsters.

Since there was no cancellation spell I knew of, it continued to help Claire destroy the rest of the monsters. Meanwhile, the other students who couldn't handle the two powerful forces retreated into the barrier as they couldn't dodge my spell and continue fighting monsters simultaneously. The battlefield was a mess as the ashes piled up like a mountain, ruining the pure white landscape.

Swords, daggers and bows littered the grounds with no signs of blood to be seen. If anyone got infected, we wouldn't be able to cure them. This was the most dangerous part of fighting monsters. If they didn't have the ability to fight them, it was better to stay inside the barrier to not be a hindrance.

"Do you know how to cancel the spell?" Charles came towards us after finishing off a monster.

"Don't ask. I don't know how to stop that thing," I admitted from their pressuring stares.

'At least we took care of Flower?' I threw them a glance.

But I didn't know what would happen when there were no more monsters left. Would it target us instead? This spell was unrecorded in the books, which made it extremely unpredictable. My marble rang as it displayed Shelly's number.

"What's wrong?" I found Shelly and Ellen together in the infirmary.

"We're too late. The orphans got infected and now they're turning into monsters," Shelly's face hardened.

"Is there nothing we can do?" I thought of the dead boy who screamed to help him.

"We have to kill them," Shelly bit her lip.

"Is this really true?" I turned towards the others on the battlefield.

"You should give them a painless death," Alex walked into the range where the camera showed his face.

"There's no way we can save them?" I shook Alex's shoulders.

"What do you want me to say? Kill them when they become a monster?" He raised his voice.

Tears fell down my face, feeling sorry I couldn't do anything for the boy or his friends at the end. We couldn't fight a battle with two fronts, which would likely become the case if they turned into monsters. Yulian watched us make the decision to kill the orphans while they were still human. I was still as powerless as I was in the beginning of my reincarnation.

Although my mana had increased a bit, I couldn't save anyone I wanted to save. I ended the call, not wanting to see Shelly's trembling hands as Ellen helped her do the deed. Was this really the life I had to live?

"Can't I use heal?" I cried in Luke's arms.

"Heal only works on human beings. If they're already in the transition of turning into a monster, it's too late," Luke patted my back to comfort me.

But it couldn't be the case. I couldn't let that be a case. I couldn't let Shelly and Ellen become a murderer with their own hands. I screamed in frustration as the streak of light turned to puncture through the barrier and speed towards the direction of the infirmary. I shook myself out of Luke's grasp and ran to follow the light.

My eyes widened as the light and dark swallowed the orphans as a whole. Shards of light glimmered in and out as the toxin in their veins appeared to be getting sucked out of their bodies. Did my spell listen to my wishes?

"Do we still have to kill them?" I turned to the audience who followed me.