Preparation for Social Week (6)

Charles came into our room, immediately noticing piles of fraction work all over the table in front of the sofa where he decided to sit. Luke was definitely more sensitive lately since he had to juggle more things lately. These days, I tiptoed around the living room to get to my room, hoping he wouldn't notice me.

"So what events do we have to go to?" Luke went straight into the topic.

The room went into a realm of silence as Charles expected him to ask an explanation on how things led to us joining his fraction.

"As you know, we're already a part of three fractions, meaning our Mondays and every other day from then is already filled," Luke broke the silence.

"I'll let my fraction know. But I think you may have to join our meeting later today," Charles asked, glancing at his piles of documents.

"What time?"

"Around seven. Rika already knows the location so she can lead you there," Charles uncomfortably shifted in his chair.

"I'll get going now," Charles disappeared to escape from Luke.

For the first time, I related to Charles not wanting to deal with the sensitive Luke. Luke didn't take a single glance at me, working on more of his documents. While I was glad, he wasn't asking any questions, I hoped it wouldn't backfire on me later.

"It wasn't like I wanted to join their fraction," I chose to get it over with.

"I know," Luke didn't stop organizing his documents.

"You probably got into some trouble with them, leading them to wonder how to fix the problem without putting their fraction in harm. The timing probably matched since quite a few of their members left from an internal discord. Knowing we wouldn't be able to focus on their fraction while needing our power they made you join," Luke predicted the events like he was there.

"Is it normal to be in these many fractions?" I wondered, switching the topic.

"Normally it's rare to be in more than one fraction. Not all families can be politically aligned to each fraction's agenda. And it's too much work to be in more than one," Luke emphasized the last part.

I shrank back into my chair wishing I didn't ask him that question. I already knew how Luke was barely getting any sleep lately. This was why I was complaining less during our intense study sessions together.

"I'm sorry," I squeaked out.

It wasn't like I could help him since I was struggling to keep up with my own studies. Sometimes, I wondered why the school wasn't more lenient near social week. It was obvious that some students were struggling to keep up with the curriculum during this time.

"It just brings more work. But not necessarily a disadvantage as the heir of the Roselia family. You get more connections that wouldn't normally help out due to the layout of politics which brings more power," Luke muttered like he was trying to convince himself this amount of work was worth it.

The only advantage it brought to me was how I didn't only have Roselia as my last name anymore. My identity was less dependent on Luke's family, which was important to me. I didn't need more people referring me as the fiancée to the heir of the Roselia family. I guiltily rose from my spot to take a bath.

When I came out of my room, changed into a fresh set of clothes, Luke still remained in his spot to work on the pile of papers. Unfortunately, it appeared like the pile hadn't decreased the slightest bit as he worked without a break. Meanwhile, it was already close to seven on my marble. Maybe I could go attend the meeting without him.

"I'm almost finished with this sheet," Luke stopped me from going alone.

I nodded my head as I waited for him to finish. After tossing the document into his marble, he rose from the sofa. I walked in front of him, not daring to look at his face while leading him towards the bush. This time, when I waved my hand in front of the bush, it opened up as it was supposed to.

If he was curious about how I knew the secretive location where the fraction met, he never showed it. Instead, he was focused on working on another paper full of last-minute things for him to check while he walked with me. It was only when we stepped inside the other side of the bush, he put his documents away.

"Let's welcome our new members," Charles carefully led Luke into the centre of attention.

"I am Luke de Impalia Roselia and this is my partner, Rika de Impalia Roselia," Luke formally introduced both of us.

"Can you tell us our roles?" Luke went straight into the topic to waste no time again.

"We already discussed among ourselves that it would be enough if you helped us with some last-minute work in relation to the events you would be attending every other day starting from Tuesday. We already heard you would be busy the other days," the same person who discovered me in the bushes first took the lead.

Luke brightly smiled as more work was starting to transfer on top of the current ones. Charles hid behind the person who took the lead, feeling guilty that Luke would have to do more work in my place. Even Ethan stood quite a distance away from Luke as his smile radiated across the crowd.