Preparation for Social Week (9)

"I didn't mean to frighten you," someone whispered into my ear.

"Who's there?" I spun around.

"Didn't you think there would be a consequence for picking all those wonderful flowers?" He held a flower bouquet with both of his hands.

"Ask him," I turned to point at Luke who was missing.

"Who?" He glanced around our surroundings.

"I'm not in another dimension, am I?" I searched for Luke with my eyes.

His otherworldly beauty reminded me of the waiter who transferred me into another dimension with a drink. He possessed their perfect sculpted appearance with long fluttering eyelashes and large tinted golden almond shaped eyes. A doll wouldn't be able to capture the perfect angles from all his features, making him appear unreal. Such a person wouldn't be a human being, similar to those who descended from the Pelargonium family, which was Luke's family on his mother's side.

The sunlight reflected off his shining blond hair, almost white from the shards of light. I squinted my eyes as if the sunlight came from his back. When I looked down to avoid the bright light, my wrist had a tattooed bracelet. I tapped my wrist to find the currency in the other dimension with the portals from my purchase last time.

"I can leave right away you know," I stepped a few steps backwards.

"But can you leave to get to the time you want?" He pointed out.

I stayed silent since it was true. The last time I escaped from this dimension, there was a difference of a few days. It would be a disaster if I didn't get a single break and was immediately inserted inside the middle of social week.

"What do you want?" I glared at him.

"Please watch over the children currently in my care. It's their first time leaving this dimension," He placed a flower in my hair.

"You'll know who they are the moment you see them," His eyes warmed.

"Sure?" I didn't have a choice.

How hard could it be? I was totally going to die, hiding how I was watching someone while taking care of myself. I guessed the 'children' he was talking about was pretty young as well. Why else would he want me to take care of them?

From my answer, the scene shattered as the bright light disappeared. It was like time had unfroze, seeing how Luke was still busy with the cleanup. I looked up into the blue sky, wondering why the fairies, elves or whatnot chose to contact me after all that time. My mind was filled with those thoughts until I found myself in front of a cave.

"Why are we here?" I got out of the hover car.

"To mine some jewels," Luke led the way.

"Can we mine them without permission?" I thought of the fairy who made me look over his child for payment in the flower field.

"It's the Roselia family's mine," Luke waved my uneasiness away.

Luke chanted to create a ball of dim light inside his hands to light the way while we walked deeper inside the cave. My eyes widened as big shards of crystals, rubies, diamonds and others clung onto the walls. Everywhere glittered with the jewels twinkling from the hint of light. I began to see Luke in another light as I explored the endless spans of precious metals in the open.

"What do we have to do?" I asked when Luke finally stopped walking.

"We need to mine diamonds and white gold," Luke began taking out the large pieces of rocks with his spell.

After taking the rocks out, he filtered through the stone to take out the metals he wanted as it twisted and morphed in the air. Once the rock was emptied of its content, Luke placed the rock back into its place in the cave. I watched him for several rounds before imitating his actions.

"We're not giving these to Charles' fraction for free, are we?" I thought it would be a waste.

A large pile of polished stones towered in front of us after we craved them to bring them into the shape I was familiar with. This would be worth a fortune, maybe several mansions in the third district. And they were purely used for decoration for a single party.

"We're lending it to them for a favour in the future," Luke reminded me of the power play in fractions.

"Then where are the jewels going to go after the party?"

"To be processed into the Roselia family companies or some may choose to purchase them inside the fraction," Luke placed all the jewels into his inventory.

"Is it like that for our original fraction as well?" I wondered since they were family.

"We already allocate everything beforehand," Luke carefully chose his words.

It looked like Luke wasn't going to tell me more about his main fraction. It was like I knew about the other random fractions I managed to join rather than his most times. Once he organized everything into his marble, we sped towards the hover car when he noticed the time.

"Where do we go next?" I flopped onto the seats in the hover car once we got out of the cave.

"To the Suilett family mansion," Luke kept everything extremely vague.

"I thought we were picking up some last-minute orders?" I recalled his plans in the morning.

"They need someone to receive all the orders while they set up the rest of the event," Luke looked like he wasn't going to tell me anything more.