Found Sleeping Beauty (9)

"Waaaa! You're so pretty!" Someone's face came near mine.

Her golden eyes glittered in excitement as strands of her light buttery hair drifted onto my face. Her otherworldly beauty froze my body as I had trouble getting up. It was no wonder he said that I would know it was her as soon as I saw her. She greatly resembled the fairy that asked me to take care of her.

However, she didn't particularly look like a child. Her height was taller than mine, face slimmer, loss of its baby fat. Her long limbs made her appear no less than a model on the runway, proportions that couldn't be more perfect. She appeared a bit older than me as she bended to get a closer look at me. It was a bit odd how she thought I was the pretty one when she was stunning.

"You're like sleeping beauty! It's my first time finding a princess!" She admired my dress.

She wore a relatively simple dress, which couldn't compare to her delicate features. The good fabric covered everything as there wasn't a single decoration like some embroidery, prints or jewels. She likely didn't put any makeup on her face as she stared at my dress filled with silken roses.

"You're the one who's like the princess," I refuted.

"These looks only came to me after I entered the other dimension," she waved her hands in embarrassment.

"Why are you back in this dimension?" I wondered.

"I'm here to watch over my older brother," she fidgeted with her hands.

She looked down, blushing heavily before she laughed to cover it up. Maybe she was like me, a human being who had trouble with how she always shifted between the two dimensions. It explained everything since she had family here.

When I sat up, she took my pillow and punched it, destroying it to the point that its feathers fell out from above me. With my senses finally hitting me, I rushed to stand, brushing the feathers out of my hair and dress. It was just then, my marble vibrated to show that Sienna had sent me a message.

I frowned as she told them they would be coming here in ten minutes. I rushed to clean the bed to get rid of the evidence. However, we both froze when a couple walked into the abandoned part of the garden. Why were they here?

"This is my older brother," she whispered into my ear.

I could immediately see that they were somewhat related. Their lips curled up in the same places when they elegantly smiled. Large, bright eyes, bringing attention from their surroundings. He lent his hand to his partner, who walked with him.

Although, it was unfortunate his looks couldn't compare even a speckle to his younger sister. The little imperfections from his uneven eyes or the slightly off angles could be seen in comparison. He just seemed human with his features that made him more relatable.

"I can't believe he's holding her hand," She smiled while kicking the bed, making it appear messier.

"He made a promise that he would marry me when I grew up," she clenched her fists.

"Isn't he your brother?" I gulped when her fiery eyes were directed to me.

"There's no law that siblings can't marry in the first district?" She appeared confused.

"What about your partner?" I wondered since she came from the first district.

"He just thinks I'm an extreme bro-con," she shrugged.

In a way, I was envious of their strong relationship they had as siblings. Since I was separated from my younger twin brother at a young age, we were still awkward together. I could sense the fire in her eyes as she looked like she would jump at them in any minute.

"You're going to get caught," I held her back.

"It would be better observing them from above or somehow become invisible," I muttered my thoughts out loud.

"Oh! I have the perfect idea!" She quickly turned.

"My speciality is air. I can form a cloud that both of us can get on to look over them," she chanted while waving her hands in a certain pattern.

A fluffy cloud appeared with enough space for both of us. Once I got on the cloud, it started rising higher into the sky. It was softer than the blankets I rested in a few minutes ago. I laid down instead of sitting, looking down at the people below me.

I would somehow catch up on my sleep on here instead. I hoped Sienna and Henry would be able to get rid of the bed in my stead. I was already far away from my original spot as the cloud smoothly moved to follow her brother and his partner.

"You know everyone is considered to be somehow pretty in the first district. But no one has a good personality that comes close to my brother," she began her story.

I nodded my head. It was like everyone's outer appearance was a mask, underneath it was a power struggle against others. This was why Luke was distrustful of anyone not in his main fraction. And the exact reason why I hated attending social events like this one.

"Won't others be able to see us if we're this low in the sky?" I found some of the guests looking up.

"It's ok, we won't be discovered by my brother!" She grinned.

Of course we wouldn't be discovered by her brother. We were behind them, hidden only from their sight!

What about me?