Boy in Love (5)

"I don't think we can attend as well," Alex pointed out Shelly trembling from the thought of attending.

"Are you really not able to attend?" Jules tried to switch their minds.

"Mother always said to put our safety first," Alex accused them for not taking enough measures.

Luke nodded his head to agree. Ever since we were stuck together, he always prioritized my health over trying to gain more points. Yulee appeared like she was about to cry as she struggled to make a concrete decision. I pitied her as I knew how much effort went into planning the event. Their families placed so much pressure on them since it was also part of a power play.

"Let's just cancel the event Yulee," Jules tried to comfort her by rubbing her back.

"My older brother won't let me go for this," she clenched her fists.

"It's better than something terrible happening like today," Jules reminded her.

"What would happen if everything that Rika said actually came true?"

There was no better way to convince someone than showing the victim who survived through the exact incidents. I wouldn't be able to walk without all the bandages that temporarily covered all the wounds. Plus, I mostly leaned on Luke for support.

"We'll cancel the event. We'll cancel it," Her head slumped towards the floor.

"Please excuse me," she left us to run to another room.

Jules awkwardly smiled as he excused himself as well to handle the rest of the mess. His mansion wouldn't be available for more guests who could be heading towards us. The floors were still full of dangerous weapons and shards of broken crystals and glass.

"Are you really a target?" Alex warily sneaked a glance at Luke before asking.

"I wasn't the original target. It was that guy who Jules kicked out a few hours ago," I began to explain.

"That guy's younger sister is Ella. She follows him around, making sure no girls can get near him or this happens," I pointed at myself.

"But there's another guy who follows Ella around without her knowing it. He's her partner. And I'm his target since I'm the only chance he has for him to get through to her," I still couldn't believe this was happening to me.

The three of them appeared stunned from my brief explanation. It was like everything that happened was starting to sink inside their heads as if they made sense now. It was likely that everything happened here would repeat again as long as we ran into each other at the same events.

"Was it him?" Shelly referred to the time someone suddenly appeared in front of us.

I sadly nodded my head. Maybe the three of them were attending another event together, creating more chaos I didn't know about in the process. At least I was still safe here since they all left.

"Be careful to not eat or drink anything inside this mansion. My drink exploded, not the glass," I warned them.

"Let's leave Rika," Luke looked like he didn't want to stay in such a horrible place anymore.

"We can go to the Impalia event a bit earlier than planned," Luke called for the hover car.

I waved farewell to Shelly as both of them shuddered from the realization that nothing was safe here. I limped with Luke who tried to push most of my weight towards him until he helped me get into the hover car. I relaxed inside the hover car, slumping in my seat as Luke didn't reprimand me like usual.

When the hover car drifted down near the mansion, I gasped. The Impalia mansion was much smaller than I thought it would be. It was a quarter of the size of the mansion we had just left. Since it was not evening yet, there were no guests inside the mansion grounds.

Noticing the Roselia crest on the hover car, the gates opened to welcome us in. Yulian pushed the doors open, wondering why we were here earlier than planned. Claire dashed towards the entrance to greet us, abandoning the evidence they were still setting up the event.

"What happened?" She instantly noticed me covered by bandages.

"Can we change for the event in your mansion?" Luke threw them an apologetic smile.

"Of course!" Claire ran to show us to an empty room.

Both Yulian and Claire didn't ask about all the blood stains covering our clothes. Instead, they focused on finishing the last-minute details as they only had an hour before it started. After we changed into our clothes, we found both Claire and Yulian running around to hang the rest of the decorations.

"Can you heal Rika?" Claire asked Yulian as soon as we came out of the room.

I sat on a chair while Luke unwrapped one of the bandages. Unfortunately, they were only able to heal the surface. Yulian's face stayed emotionless as his hand hovered over my wound to begin the spell. After unwrapping a total of five bandages, Yulian appeared as exhausted as Luke did earlier in the day.

"Can I help?" Luke offered to help in his place to give him a chance to rest.

"Can you put some more posters of cards on this part of the wall?" Claire didn't hesitate to take Luke's offer.

"I can't use heal anymore," Yulian stared at the reminder of bandages on my legs.