"Tell me where he is. I think he deserves a second death," Ella turned to me.
All the windows in the mansion shattered, making all the guests wonder what was going on outside. Were all fairies this violent? It was like they were born from vengeance, unable to move on. Both of them appeared like they were trying to fulfill their love in the new life they were given.
"Zane, Ella is right behind you. Watching over you this entire time," I chose the peaceful route.
"Are you really here Ella?" Zane's eyes were filled with tears.
"I am, I really am," Ella switched her mind and placed her hands against his.
Now, it was time to run when I could. Luke instantly understood my glance and helped me walk out Haruka's mansion. Meanwhile, Haruka and his partner unfroze, left alone with the fairies to somehow deal with the rest of the mess.
"Where are we going next?" I wanted to go back to Luke's mansion.
"The Enchantres' family mansion," Luke also appeared like he didn't want to go.
I didn't understand why they couldn't just cancel social week altogether. This was getting more and more dangerous now that they knew who could see or hear each other. I looked down to study my fancy dress. Maybe the reason why I stood out was because of my outfit.
She did call me a princess when we first met. This time I had a new plan. I was going to change into the cheap clothes that Sienna transferred to me yesterday morning. This way, I wouldn't catch their eyes since I would blend into the background with the servants.
It was unfortunate not much was known about fairies in general. When Luke answered my questions with all the information he had, it wasn't much different from the fraction meeting in the evening. I went over my plan inside my head one more time before Luke helped me get down from the hover car.
"More than half of the events during social week were cancelled with a sudden notice," Luke explained why there was a larger crowd.
Since the guests had less events to attend, they spent more time in the ones they planned to attend or simply went to another event to replace it. I found both Flora and Ethan in front of the banquet hall. This mansion was safer than Haruka's as they got rid of most of the decorations, almost abandoning their original theme.
"There's more people than I thought there would be," I pitied them.
"We had to change everything," Flora sadly smiled.
"We're so glad you came early," they looked like they needed some help with the guests.
"Can you help with this section with me?" Flora gestured to the middle of the banquet hall to Luke.
Since we knew that both the fairies were still at Haruka's mansion, Luke reluctantly left with Flora. Meanwhile, I would be forced to take her role and greet everyone near the entrance. Meaning, I would have no time to change as long as I was stuck here.
"Charles and Miliana are busy as the sub hosts at Haruka's place. The others are already helping out with the other sections," Ethan explained.
"Do you think you can greet the guests alone?" I attempted to escape from the most noticeable post.
"There's no way I'm doing this alone," he immediately refuted.
"I have more food for Sprinkles," I showed him my inventory.
"Just for a few minutes," I whispered into his ear.
"I can get Oliver and his partner to try switching places with us," Ethan came up with a better idea.
"Deal!" I smiled.
"Hello, I am Rika de Impalia Roselia, thank you for coming to our event," I turned when a guest came in front of us.
"I am Ethan de Enchantres, please come in," Ethan did a 180-degree change.
"Did they answer yet?" I leaned closer to him to check his messages.
"Oliver said they're coming in exchange for a favour in the future about that room," Ethan showed me.
"Thank you for coming, I am Ethan de Enchantres," Ethan quickly spun when we noticed another guest at the door.
"Please come in, I am Rika de Impalia Roselia," I smiled to add.
This was bad. My smile was already starting to falter. I could barely talk with Ethan as we had to greet the new guests every few seconds. No wonder they needed more help. My heart almost skipped when I noticed Oili with his partner.
"You're here," I grabbed both of his hands.
"Thanks for switching places with us," I shot them both a grateful look.
"No problem. This post is easier than trying to drive the conversations in a certain direction when they start to get hostile," Oili frowned when he recalled the incidents.
"The food for Sprinkles?" Ethan interrupted us.
"Here," I passed him the cage.
Both Oili and his partner stepped back, not willing to get close to the bugs. It was only until the cage disappeared into Ethan's inventory, they walked towards us to switch places. I guessed they still didn't know about Sprinkles as they found the exchange fascinating.
"Run," I poked Ethan when I noticed new guests coming from above.
Both Ethan and I ran into the banquet hall to escape from greeting the next set of guests. Once we got to a new location where there weren't many guests around us, I whispered into Ethan's ear, "do you have an extra room to spare? I need a place to change my bandages."