The Note (5)

"Please wake up," I pounded on the door.

This was starting to become exhausting. Everyone, still lethargic from sleep, had a late reaction. We were currently on the second floor by recruiting more people in helping others wake up. Like the others, the pair that came to open the door looked extremely confused in their pyjamas.

"There's a fire, you'll have to evacuate before it spreads," I repeated for the nth time.

"A fire?" They wondered if they were hearing the right thing.

"A fire," I nodded my head.

Since I have done my role, I went onto the next door. The smell of smoke became more intense, drifting onto the second floor now. I wondered if I could just use my mana to amplify the alarm on my marble. Taking a break after the next couple went out, I did the exact thing.

I recorded my voice, "warning. There is a fire. Please evacuate immediately."

I played the recording on my marble and covered my ears before amplifying the sound as loud as possible. I smiled when the building started to rumble with my voice as I covered my ears. It was a success when the doors I haven't gone to immediately opened.

Checking if all the people on the second floor escaped, I walked down the stairs to the first floor. There were now only two floors left, the basement and the main floor. Shelly ran towards us as she used a spell to cover some of the sound, "the people in the basement already evacuated."

"Is there only this floor left?" I found not many people on this floor.

Shelly nodded her head, "Only one section on this floor left."

I wondered where the teachers were as the final set of people escaped outside the door. It couldn't be that my luck was bad enough that the teachers were all out again. Oili ran towards me once I stepped outside the building, "the teachers are coming. They just came from doing an extermination of all the monsters near the school barrier."

I quickly messaged Luke and Alex to escape as the teachers were coming soon. Not a second passed before they teleported near us, covered in ashes and smoke. Without them, the entire building blew up as if the fire contained in the room acted like another bomb.

I covered the crowd with a weak barrier, anticipating that this might happen from my past experience. As everyone noticed the parts of the dorm flying towards us, they began to help by fortifying my barrier with more layers. I almost stumbled onto the grass as the whole building started to crumble towards us.

"Walk and let's move the barrier together," I yelled.

Everyone agreed as we moved to escape from the building tumbling in our direction. Where were the teachers? Were they going to come when everything was over again? The barrier shattered when we were a metre away from harm. Meanwhile, it appeared like the fire was starting to spread outside the building.

"Where do we go now?" A person asked, knowing the entire middle school section wasn't safe anymore.

"I know a way to sneak into the high school section," I announced.

I couldn't believe me ever sneaking out to meet some friends would ever become helpful. I would be sacrificing my secret pathway and would need to find another one in the future. There were some weak spots in the barrier that Jules gave me information before I sneaked into the high school section to meet him.

I waved my hand over the weak spot as a small hole, big enough to fit only one person appeared. Everyone formed a line, getting inside the hole one by one. Luke and Alex, the ones at the back, checked if the fire spread to us yet. Since we landed in many incidents together, all of my classmates were used to this.

Charles and Miliana walked back and forth, making sure that everyone was neatly lined up. Ellen and Allan were stationed as an extra pair of lookouts, using a spell to see far off where the fire began. Meanwhile, Shelly helped me with making sure the hole in the barrier wouldn't close. Meanwhile, Oili tried to contact the teachers, wondering why they haven't arrived yet.

I closed the barrier once Luke, the last person stepped into the high school section. We were inside a whole crowd of people who didn't know what to do. Oili was already ordered to call the high school teachers since the ones in middle school seemed to be unavailable.

"How long will this barrier last?" A girl shuddered.

"We should let all the high schoolers know too," I sighed.

"Let the people in your fellow fraction know," Luke shouted to the crowd.

Everyone in the group agreed as we decided to split up. While Ellen and Allan stayed near the barrier to message us if the high school grounds wouldn't be safe anymore, Luke and I ran to the high school dorms. The grand doors were locked for security purposes before we decided to ram the door open with everyone's help.

"Use the wind spell!" Charles yelled at them.

Unfortunately, air was the only force we could use without greatly damaging the building. The entire building shook as we started to wake the people inside. I hoped everyone would wake up, we needed all the help we could get.