"What?" Almost everyone yelled.
"This building is almost empty. Everyone is already sent somewhere with all the messages you guys sent," Charles explained.
"There's one place they can escape to, they can escape to the second district," I recalled the staff only room in the café.
The second district was the next best option. There were no monsters there and all they needed to do was find a place to stay until their parents could pick them up. That café was connected anywhere through the school grounds. I grew up in that café. It was through Luke's family power that no one went in while I was there.
"Go to the staff only room in that café I always go to and jump down the stairs. You'll be led into a dark tunnel before running into a bank vault. Destroy that bank vault and go down the hill. You'll find yourself right above the city in the second district," I recalled the trip with Shelly.
Shelly nodded her head as she knew what I was talking about, "I'll join them to lead the way. I'll switch places with Luke."
This was one problem solved. Both Luke and Shelly teleported to switch places. Teleportation done in small distances didn't eat as much mana as heal. Shelly ended the call on Jules' end before she took the lead.
"Then all we need to do is keep the fire contained," Alex announced to the people behind them.
"We'll join you to keep the fire contained on the other side. Send some people here," I ended the call.
"We should go," I turned to Alice and Ben.
I didn't talk to them until we arrived in front of Oili, Ellen and Allan. The fire immediately broke into the other side as the barrier shattered from our late entrance. The three of them appeared almost dead as they couldn't keep fortifying the barrier on their own.
My marble rang as I got the first good news tonight. I smiled as I read the message that came into my marble, "Others are coming."
However, I didn't have the luxury to linger on it. We needed to push the fire back with another barrier. I reached out my arms to create the base. I grunted as it started to push me back, digging dirt into my shoes before Ben and Alice joined. Meanwhile, the Oili pushed himself to help us while Ellen and Allan started to assign the new recruits to certain positions since they were low on mana.
Just when I thought that things couldn't get worse, I got another call from Charles. I muttered to open my marble, not able to use my hands. The screen popped up, showing everyone was abandoning the elementary school area. This was bad since I didn't get any message from Shelly yet that they were in the second district.
"We need to escape. This fire can't be contained anymore. We're sending more people to that café right now. We placed a weak barrier with the rest of our strength to buy us enough time to escape," Charles ran towards the staff only door.
"Things are really bad back there," Luke suddenly teleported to appear beside me.
"We need to leave this place," He announced to everyone.
"To that café?" I turned to him.
"We can't waste time trying to charge the teleportation gates," Luke muttered a spell to place a strong enough barrier to buy us some time.
Everyone sprinted to that café with the remaining strength we had left. Like I had anticipated, once we entered, there was a huge crowd. Fortunately, there were only middle and high school students present. Meaning, Shelly had already escaped the school grounds with the rest of the children.
I sighed in relief as I took in the scene before me. I wondered why it was taking so long for each person to jump down. There had to be something happening down there. It was also odd how all the calls strangely ended after they jumped down. As I yelled to organize the crowd with the people that I knew, the fire started to blaze behind us, like the barrier had shattered without us knowing it.
"We'll have to jump now!" Luke dragged me towards the staff only room as we were the only ones left.
We didn't have the time to hesitate before jumping down into the dark, empty space. A screen popped up from Shelly as I rushed towards the ground when I tapped the screen, "Rika!"
"Why haven't you called?" I focused on landing safely.
"The security is tougher than last time. We're currently inside the tunnel right now after dodging all the traps. Lucius and Belle are currently helping everyone with the traps. We're almost there at the vault," she explained.
"I feel like there's also a spell so that we can't contact anyone outside," she walked with the children.
Shelly ended the call, busy with the children with Yulee and Jules. I chanted a spell to cushion my landing as I finally noticed what Shelly was talking about. There was still a whole crowd of people here as laser beams, random spells and weapons jumped from the walls in front of them. This was a whole level above than last time.
"What is this?" I whispered at the scene.
People could die if they weren't careful. I still remembered how Ben got injured in the process of climbing the stairs to get to that café.