Entering the Competition (3)

"We can get more during our break," I cancelled my plans with Oili for today.

"I can send a message to my family chefs to cook us some. I have a villa near here," Alex suggested.

I have never been inside any private property owned by the Monete family, except for that time Luke and I worked at their company for our mission. I started to create a list of food that Alex would send to his family chefs. There were some people who overheard from our school. Everyone we knew started to send some messages to Alex with a compilation of their orders.

Ethan, Claire, and Oili, who weren't so close to Alex, sent their messages to me instead. I showed my screen to Alex under the table as he accepted their orders. Meanwhile, Oili and I decided to push our plans for another day. Food came first.

Luke passed the cups of yogurts to others we knew. Now, we were officially out of food with all the people that didn't touch their plates. We focused on listening to the presentation instead as the organizers went over all the rules and the overall schedule. While I looked around the room in boredom, my eyes widened when I spotted my younger brother, Evan.

I never knew he would also be in this competition as well. This meant he attended a top-ranking school in the third district. Once the presentation ended, I sprinted towards him, checking if I was right. We were waiting for the car to arrive anyways.

"Evan?" I tapped his shoulder.

"Rika?" He appeared equally surprised.

"You're here too?" I greeted him.

"Yea, I recently switched to a higher-ranking school," he shyly replied.

"The car is here Rika!" Shelly shouted, wondering where I was.

"Meet you later," I waved before running towards Shelly.

"We managed to get the self-driving car with our connections," she explained as we walked outside the building.

"The kitchen already prepared all the food from the ingredients outsourced from the first district," Alex got into the car first.

The ingredients made a great difference in the overall taste of the food. All the food in the first district was perfect with everything grown with a hint of mana. This was part of the reason why nobody was able to take a single bite. Maybe this meant the teachers brought the food from the first district last year.

"Shouldn't we let the organizers know not to bring us any food from now on?" I wondered.

"We already let them know. Lucius told them how one of us got sick from their carelessness," Alex revealed.

The Monete family villa greatly resembled the Roselia family villa near my house. Maybe this was because their mothers were twins. Even the layout was almost the same as Jules' mansion during social week.

"Where are all the cakes?" I turned to Alex.

"You can't always live off cakes Rika," He had enough cakes to have as dessert for the rest of the week.

We started to organize all the food into our inventory. Shelly and Alex carried the one for their fraction while the rest was split between Luke and me. I didn't think this would take so much time as we started to rush when we noticed we may not get back to the arena in time. I didn't understand why the organizers couldn't explain everything at once.

It would only take them five to seven hours at most. One class in our school was about four hours each and we didn't have a break in between classes unless it was for lunch. Break time was shorter than I thought it would be as their schedule wasn't efficient. There was no way Oili and I could visit all those places we planned in one day.

"We should also take some pillows and blankets with us," I realized when we were about to leave.

Everyone froze as I was right. This was the time to take some additional supplies as there were many missing things inside those rooms. We sprinted to the bedrooms and took everything we thought we would need in the future. I tried to catch my breath inside the car as it was a pity there were only so many things we could do with the limited amount of time we had.

"We may have to come back in the future," Alex seemed dissatisfied with what we currently had.

"We'll know after we hand out the supplies," Luke agreed.

Luke messaged all the people in our fractions to come to our room in a few minutes. He closed the car door as we didn't have much time to hand everything out. There was a crowd of people in front of our room before Alex opened the door to let them in. I placed everything we packed outside my inventory as I read out each list given from each of them.

"Here's the rest of the food for the week and something to sleep on," I handed to Oili and his partner.

"Thanks a lot Rika," he sadly smiled at our current situation.

"We're friends," I replied before I called for Ethan next.

It was like we were at another battlefield. We were everyone's supply line for survival. Nothing had changed since the fire at the school. Although, we couldn't do this for everyone in our school that attended this competition. It would be on a whole other level.