Competing (2)

I didn't understand why they weren't cancelling the event after watching that horrible incident. After drinking another bottle of medicine to keep me alive, I was able to walk on my own. It was time to go to the next event.

Hearing about the incident, everyone stared at me, wondering how I was still alive. We were in a new room this time. The same podiums appeared in the same order as we came to take our places. Before starting, Luke checked the podiums with Alex.

"Have you double checked everything in this room?" He asked the staff.

"We have," the host appeared very apologetic.

This time, the subject was science. Half of science was memorizing all the theories. Like before, no one on the other team was able to press the button before us. I stood behind Luke, watching him answer the questions. But when a dagger flew towards my head as the target, I pushed his head down.

"I thought you checked everything," Luke asked them after he finished answering the question.

"We thought we did," the cameraman mumbled.

"Please check everything again before we resume the competition," Alex supported him.

The other team stayed far away from us like we were the target of all these attacks. The room was silent except for the sounds of the staff trying to search for anything that could be out of place. I gasped as there were several daggers hidden near the ceiling that they found. Even the staff froze from all the new pieces of evidence.

"So you double checked everything before the competition," Alex coldly questioned them.

"We apologize," all the staff slightly bowed.

"Can we finish this event? I feel a bit tired from the last attack," I stared at the host since I wanted to get it over with.

"Of course," the host started to display the last set of questions.

We ended up walking out of the room with victory on our side again. It was easier this time as some of the members on the other team were too focused on if another dagger would head towards us. I smiled as there were only five more events we had left. The next one was foreign languages, which I was forced to study since kindergarten.

"The woman is crying. She felt betrayed by her lover as he sold her for money. The lover was going to get her back later on when he became successful. They were childhood friends," I smoothly translated another language from the second district.

"Correct!" The host appeared impressed.

"Can anyone translate the next paragraph in a language from the third district?" A new slide appeared.

I pressed the button again, "this was the tale of sleeping beauty from the myths. She decided to wait for her lover by sleeping until he would come back to her. Her life was too miserable under her new owner. She placed herself inside a cage to defend herself from everyone who wanted her."

"The next one is fluently reading the next paragraph from the language in the fourth district" The next slide appeared.

"But she started to regret her actions as she couldn't wake up from her own spell. Her lover did manage to visit her with her hidden clues. His name was Jason. He knocked onto the glass cage, but she couldn't hear anything that he said," I fluently read the rest of the story.

"She waited for someone to help her. She cried out for help as she used her powers inside her dreams. But nobody responded. However, it is told that to this day, sleeping beauty sends her lover paper notes for him to help her," Luke read the story in the language of another country in the second district.

"Congratulations," the host turned to us after we won another round.

"How many languages do you know?" The host wondered as nobody had been ever able to answer all the questions before.

"We know most of the languages in the districts," Luke revealed.

It was one of the first things we learned. Every day in class, the teachers taught us the class material in another language. Unfortunately, this made things even more confusing. Until I got used to it, my grades were at the bottom. In my former life, I was struggling with English and Korean, but this in life, I had to learn more than twenty languages. I had to be fluent in each and every one of them to understand what was going on in class.

Even in all the workbooks Luke brought me, every chapter was in a different language. This was why I liked math the most. It was another universal language where the difference in languages didn't apply as much. However, when I talked, I usually stuck to the language used in the first district. At the same time, I could make the switch whenever I wanted to since I answered all the questions the teachers asked me in that same language.

But almost everyone knew the main language used from districts one to four. It was mandatory for everyone to learn since the four districts communicated with each other the most. Currently, we were speaking in that main language. It was similar to the one used in the first district.

"Are you ok Rika?" Evan greeted us in the main language once we came out from winning.