I knew Jason Mercier was dead, but I never knew he was murdered. I shivered as I began to run away from her. She laughed as she called for her security to chase after me. No wonder she seemed carefree, there was nothing she couldn't do in her territory. I ducked and swiftly dodged each attack aimed towards me.
Bullets were harder to avoid than daggers and swords. They were trying to injure me and interrogate me afterwards to get more information about how I got to know about Jason Mercier. Why couldn't anyone try to help a child out of goodwill? The first thing I had to do was to escape from this building. I could see the glass gates that would open and close when a car was nearby.
Thankfully, the security guards were unintentionally helping me out with all their bullets that started to crack the glass. With one punch, I would be able to destroy the whole thing altogether. I crossed my arms to defend my face as I chose to jump onto the gates instead. The entire gate shattered as shards of glass began to dig into my feet.
Ignoring the pain, I continued to sprint towards the next city while having my screen open. It appeared she couldn't let her security guards to attack me in an open space where there were a crowd of people. Not watching the people in front of me, I fell onto the ground when I bumped into someone. When I looked up, I found a high school student wearing a long cloak on top of her uniform.
"Are you ok?" She offered me her hand.
"I'm fine, thank you," my manners drilled in by Luke naturally came out.
"My, my, would you like to come to my place for treatment?" She genuinely appeared worried for me.
I knew this girl. She was the one in the hospital bed, dying. Her friends tried to kidnap someone for her surgery bills. She seemed safe to follow as I nodded my head. It was better than running to another city without a break. I followed her onto a bus as she paid for my admission. I hid behind her, hoping that nobody would notice me. I had the experience of others trying to report me before.
Thankfully, with her long cloak, I managed to arrive at a cozy house. It appeared no different than the other identical line of houses in a perfect row. After she entered the passcode, I walked inside. Everything was neatly organized as the robots dusted the floors. The first thing she did was to search for the first aid supplies.
"Found it!" She smiled.
"Let's go to the bathroom to disinfect your wounds," she went to grab a chair.
She carried a chair while leading me to the bathroom. It was small and tiny as everything was squished inside together. With the two of us and the chair, the place was completely packed. Once she placed the chair in front of the bathtub, I sat down so she could unravel all the bandages on my feet.
After placing her cloak off, she poured some water into the tub after unravelling the bandages. I winced with her as she stared at my bleeding feet. This was relatively painless compared to all the painful medicine I had to take. I began to move my feet in the water before she glanced at me to stop. It was relaxing as she cleaned my feet.
"Melissa, right?" I went through my hazy memories.
"How do you know?" She appeared stunned.
"I visited you at the hospital before. I know Noire," I explained.
"Sorry I don't remember anything," Melissa placed my feet onto the towel.
"You were unconscious that time," I waved my hands.
"Thank you for treating me," I smiled.
"It's what I should do," Melissa appeared flustered.
There was finally someone who helped others out of pure goodwill! It was surprising to find someone who had the same values as me. After she tied a new set of bandages around my feet, I walked out of the bathroom. Melissa offered me some snacks and milk tea as I sat on the rug in the living room.
I placed my hands around the warm mug as she sat down to face me at the other side of the small table. I relaxed, relieving the tension around my shoulders as I chewed on a cookie. After I finished the tea, she warmly held my hands, "you can stay for the night if you want. My parents are coming back from their business trip next week."
My eyes glistened as she was the true angel I was looking for. I held in my tears as I nodded my head to accept her offer. I could always head to the next city tomorrow. Maybe I could borrow her clothes to not stand out in the crowd this time. She escorted me to her bedroom as she opened her door.
I could instantly spot the pictures of her hanging out with her friends in frames plastered all over her walls. I started to feel guilty that I used her to escape from the hospital. But I didn't have a choice back then. As my hope in humanity increased, I flopped onto her bed as I opened my marble to check if what that woman had said was indeed true.