"One room for one week," I happily hummed as I booked my room.
Thankfully, the things that could be automated were done by robots. Meaning there were no people to ask what a child was doing, booking a hotel room for herself. The robot printed out an access card. Only prestigious hotels had actual people doing the work to increase the reputation of their service. My hotel room had a hot spring outside where I could bath while admiring the mountains.
While bathing inside the spring water, I opened my marble to search what other things I could do during the day. There were so many things I wanted to do. I was going to visit the movie theatre inside this hotel after I finished my bath. My dinner would be delivered to my room afterwards. There was gooey pizza and breadsticks that I had already ordered. I never felt this happy before other than the time I explored the third district with Oili.
But it was another exciting feeling to travel alone. I was going to also buy some clothes, the t-shirts with the hotel logo on it. Maybe some sweatpants as well with the running shoes. I held some shopping bags as I smiled from my purchase. It would be better to change first before going to the theatre to attract less attention. My eyes glittered when I found a popcorn machine before entering the theatre from the ticket I bought.
My arms became full from ordering the biggest size as I walked to my seat. The tourists filled up most of the theatre as I got to experience the average life of someone who lived in the second district. There was no one trying to book the whole venue, making the atmosphere awkward and strained. The lights dimmed and the screen flashed with its introduction. The actors with their strong charisma at the opening scene made my eyes glued.
"I'll come for you. I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I'm so powerless," the boy clenched his fists.
"I believe you. I can tolerate this for our love. You didn't have a choice. Your family business failed. You would go into slavery if you can't pay your debts back in time," the girl cried.
Tears began to fill my eyes. This story was so sad. The boy and the girl were childhood friends who grew up together. They promised to marry each other and already had everyone's acceptance. However, the boy's family business went bankrupt. He was selling her lover as he had no other choice as he would become a slave to pay back his debts. The girl was sacrificing herself for him.
The scene transitioned into the girl looking at the moon in the night sky. She was a slave to her master who abused her. She hugged herself to comfort her throbbing heart. She squeezed into the corner of a dusty storage room. No matter what she did, her master always threw heavy jugs and anything else she could grab. If she tried to defend herself, her master's attacks would become more violent. She thought of her lover every time to bring her strength. He said he would soon become successful. In fact, his business was starting to take off as he made the first profits today.
Time passed as the girl's head was completely drenched with her own blood. With her filtered red vision, she started to go crazy as her master had kicked her until she was unable to walk. She didn't feel like waiting for the boy anymore. Her life was too miserable. She had to find a way to escape from this place. One night, when she was sure her master was sleeping, she started to tread outside the small house. She ran into the forest and found a large cave.
She wanted time to stop in this cave. This way, she would be still there for her lover to pick her up no matter how much time had passed. She would die if she continued to stay in that house. Finding a good location near the house, she began to write paper notes. These notes would be clues to lead him to where she would be waiting for him. She knew once she used this spell that would almost use up all the mana she had, she would sleep until she recovered some of it.
She muttered a long chant to activate the spell once she was deep inside the cave. As soon as the spell activated, she fainted into a deep slumber. Meanwhile, the boy's company had become very famous. He worked hard day and night so he could buy back his lover. He finally had enough funds to buy her back today. He knocked on her master's door, wondering how she was.
Her master screamed at him, telling him that she had escaped. She took the pouches of money he grabbed onto and slammed the door. The boy was devastated until he found a paper note sticking out of the stables. The girl was clever to put it in a place that her master would rarely visit but would be noticeable to any visitors. He opened the note as he read the details of where to find the next one.
The seasons passed as he finally managed to find the cave. He entered inside the cave with the final note in his hands, which told him this location. He gasped as the time inside this cave had stopped. Nothing grew or aged in this cave with how there were no signs of anything dying. As he travelled deeper inside, he froze when he found his lover sleeping on the ground.