I opened the door with the second access card. I froze at the sight of all the medical equipment inside the room. The stench of medicine drifted into my nose as I noticed Rika was covered in bandages under her clothes. Before I could react, she sprinted towards the door and punched the glass walls. I was stunned as I crouched to avoid the shards of glass heading to my direction.
My body became paralyzed as I watched her jump out of this floor, the two hundredth floor. When my senses came back to me, the elevator doors opened. Both Luke and Alex stiffened at the sight of the opened door rather than the broken wall. Luke brightly smiled, "you didn't close the door."
"I don't know what happened. As soon as I opened the door, Rika dashed out the door and punched the walls and jumped," I couldn't believe what happened in a matter of seconds.
"I'll send a message for others to help search for her. We can also ask the authorities for help," Alex tried to comfort Luke.
"I let you see her for the condition of closing the door afterwards. I thought I could trust you," Luke trembled.
"And now she's gone," he spun to leave with Alex.
I stared at the empty room, feeling guilty. I started to feel even worse when everyone from the first district became busy with trying to find her. They tried using all their connections from using the media to hiring investigators. I watched Alex get access to all the CCTV camera footage nearby the area while Luke looked through any signs of her bank accounts being used.
This all happened because I didn't close the door. The day quickly passed and the next morning came with no traces of her. Everyone appeared exhausted with their pale complexion and dull eyes as if they had stayed up for the entire night. They were still in the same spots before I left, feeling useless.
It was worse the next day until Luke got a notice from one of his family companies that they had seen a young girl with silvery long hair with jeweled orange pupils. It was not long until they figured out that she was in the next city. A few seconds later, one of them found her picture taken on top of a tower on social media.
The picture appeared magical as she brightly smiled with her beauty making the scenery appear stunning with her inside. She looked like she was having fun while there were other people worried sick for her. After trying to trace her footsteps, the people behind me sighed as they had lost her again. Hints of blame were present in their eyes whenever they looked at me. I started to feel ashamed of myself as the days without her increased while they still didn't sleep. It was all my fault that she was missing.
"Rika is in a country in the opposite end of the second district!" One of them yelled.
"What?" Some of them didn't believe him.
"They're trying to keep her in the airport," he gestured for them to quickly leave to fetch her.
Luke, Alex and Michelle ran to go to Rika's location, afraid that she would be gone if they took more time. I sank into my chair as I sighed in relief. When everyone finally began to leave the room for the first time in days, I started to relax as it must have meant that they found her. Oliver, who watched me struggle under the guilt, confirmed my thoughts, "Rika is inside Luke's villa now."
I nodded my head as I went back to my room. I turned when Alex knocked on the door. His face possessed no more hospitality for me after that incident. Before I could ask, he opened his mouth, "Rika won't return to the hotel. We also can't let you continue to stay in the second district as the rest of us plan to return to the first district soon. We booked a car that will lead you to the third district."
I had no right to say that I wanted to see my sister one last time. It was due to my selfishness that everyone couldn't get any sleep for the past few days. I watched the scenery drastically change once I entered the third district. My hands trembled as I had followed her to the second district for nothing. Luke did a much better job at taking care of her than I ever tried to do myself. He was the one who pushed himself the most when she went missing.
"How was the competition?" My mom waited for me.
Both of my parents were inside the house since it was the weekend. I stayed silent, not daring to tell them anything that happened. They didn't know how Rika was in the third district for the competition before they left when things started to get dangerous.
"It wasn't bad," I guiltily mumbled.
I just felt extremely apologetic towards Luke. The first words that he said to me when he came out of the elevator continued to ring inside my head. They tried to treat me as well as they could, and I had let them down. It was like I followed them to enjoy another vacation. I didn't deserve to watch over my sister.