Sleeping Beauty is Free

I offered her an empty glass bottle to help store his remains. It came from the bottle I drank to heal from all my injuries from her. After she mourned for Jason, placing a bouquet of flowers where he last stood, she clasped her hands together to pray for him. She closed her eyes, wishing he would go to a better place, free from this world.

When Marion opened her eyes, she started sweeping his remains into the bottle as if she found a new sense of determination from my words. It looked like she has made the decision to live the rest of her life in this foreign world from her actions. At least one of us had to be happy from this messed up fairy-tale.

"I don't know where to go," she guiltily looked at me.

"All that I used to have is gone," she squeezed her dress.

"We can start off by going to somewhere called the waterpark and spa. It was inside that hotel and I'm sure you have seen the pictures," I couldn't blame her for everything for what happened during social week in the end.

Although I could never forgive her, sleeping beauty felt desperate for Jason to notice her. Her punishment would be to live the rest of her life without him. I knew from Ella's experience how painful it would be. She would never see Jason in this life again. It helped settle some of my anger that she would live with some of that pain until she died.

"The waterpark and spa," Marion recalled the pictures sent by my friends.

"We can make arrangements for your stay there until you determine where you want to go," Luke added.

"I can introduce you to a lot of new things!" I thought of going to all the attractions.

"Although, my fiancée won't be able to join you. She promised to return to the villa afterwards," Luke reminded me of the deal.

My shoulders slumped as I remembered the deal that I would never be able to return to the hotel again before we returned to school. Marion, who also knew, appeared to pity me. Feeling guilty that some of it was her fault, she turned to Luke, "I would really like to spend the day with her. She's the only person I know in this world."

"Unfortunately, Rika has a frail body," Luke declined her request.

"You can visit her in the villa instead," he offered.

"I can heal her!" Marion immediately used heal on me.

My body was completely filled by her light as she overflowed with mana. I gasped as every part of my body was mending, making it studier and healthier than before. I could feel my mana supply expanding, more than what my gauge could handle. By the time she was done, I was dripping with mana from head to toe. She had poured so much mana into me that the seal Luke's father had placed on me was almost useless.

My eyes changed into cherry pink again while my skin glimmered from the sunlight. My body was surrounded by a membrane of mana, not able to absorb anymore. Although she had to have used a huge amount of mana, she appeared no different than before. Marion appeared to be just as energetic as when she determined she would live a new life from now on.

"We can go to the waterpark and spa now!" She held both of my hands.

"Can we?" I turned to Luke with the most pitiful eyes.

Luke's marble began to vibrate, interrupting us. I couldn't help but stomp my feet when I read the message he got from Lucius. The school was finally ready for us to return by the end of the day. When including time to travel to the school, there was barely any leftover to go to even one attraction. I spun to Marion, "do you know the other passageways? Like maybe there is one leading to the school."

"I can give you a rough map," she asked for a pen and paper.

I watched her draw detailed pathways overlapping the first and second districts. This made me think that the two districts were originally one a long time ago. Ben's mood improved while looking at the nearly drawn map full of webs connecting everywhere together. While there wasn't a passageway leading directly to the school, there was a spot close to it.

"Can I go?" I tugged on his sleeve.

It wasn't a long drive to travel from the tower to the hotel. We could even take the faster bullet train if there was too much traffic. This time, both of our marbles vibrated, interrupting us. I frowned at the screen, seeing it was a call from the dean. What other bad news did they want to give?

"Congratulations, you have received first place in the competition. Unfortunately, we forgot to send the message for the four of you to return ahead of everyone else. We need to discuss the details coming from the results," the dean apologized.

"I can't go. I have to go to the waterpark and spa," I couldn't believe I would have to leave right away.

"School should come first," Marion stepped a few steps back.

My waterpark and spa! Marion looked at the existence of the hover car in awe when the one Luke booked had drifted down the ground near us. Of course, I was mercilessly dragged into the hover car as Ben walked back into the cave with Marion. Where was my happy ending?