"This is all the work we need to pass onto you," Claire started to unload all the documents.
Our entire dorm room was filled with mounting papers where there was extra space. My jaw almost dropped as I rubbed my arms. How was Luke and I were supposed to handle this all by ourselves? The amount of work to be done here was comparable to the week before social week. How was Claire and Yulian able to handle these on their own until now?
"This is impossible," I couldn't help muttering.
"But there's more?" Yulian added to our misery.
Luke also stiffened from the news. Unlike me, he had to help out all the other fractions we were in. I walked a few steps away from Luke as he would be the one who would have to do most of the work for this. My poor grades couldn't handle more work than what I was given by the school. As expected by an information fraction, most of the documents were about information we needed to confirm with others.
It was basically keeping tabs on all the fractions inside the school. There were also rumors about the staff and inner workings of the people in prestigious families. By the time they were finished with placing all the documents out, we could barely walk around in the large room. The only way we could finish this work if I gave up all my free time at the café. Meanwhile, Luke would have to stop his spars with Alex.
"This is the work for next week. We can do these together before we graduate. But after we graduate, the fraction will start giving you work weekly through us," Claire explained.
"Is it this much work per week?" I hoped it wasn't the case.
"They were being a bit lenient since we're graduating soon," Claire avoided our eyes.
"We can return a quarter of the documents in this room," Luke looked at some of the papers.
"We can already confirm some of the information here from our other fractions," he picked some files out.
I sighed in relief as there was finally a benefit from being inside many fractions. All we had to do was to attend their meetings instead of going through all the documents. I was closer to Luke these days as we slept together in one room, missing sleep while desperately looking for the culprit. He was too tired to scold me when we both were lacking an extreme amount of sleep. In fact, some hours of the intense study sessions got reduced.
"You look tired lately," Yulian began to question if we could even finish the other quarter of documents here.
"It has been more than a week since we have been able to get any sleep," Luke shot them an apologetic look.
"I heard you have been switching rooms with other members in your fractions," Claire heard about the rumors.
It was true. After using Shelly's dorm, we went on to use the dorms of Sienna, Ellen, Delia, Charles and Oili. We switched rooms every night, hoping that there would be one that the culprit wouldn't be able to reach. But nothing changed as we began to place some ice packs on our arms to help with the pain.
Luke, who was a lighter sleeper than I was, got extremely annoyed by all the poking. It was getting worse as the nights passed. There used to be breaks before but as soon we were on the edge of sleeping, the poking wouldn't stop these days. The ice and heating packs broke from all the intense poking as well, rendering them useless.
"We haven't found a room where the culprit wouldn't be able to reach us," I was close to complaining to her.
"We can do the work during the nights," Luke pointed out since we gave up sleeping anyways.
"Is it that bad?" Claire wondered.
I pulled up my sleeve, showing the purple bruises on my arm. Meanwhile, the teachers were inspecting all the dorms while they weren't teaching. These days, they didn't say anything when my face was against the desk, done with life. I was afraid to sleep during the day since I didn't want the poking to happen during the daytime. My arm would become broken one day if it did.
"I can use heal on you," Yulian offered to both of us.
"Thank you," Luke didn't mention heal was the only reason we didn't faint yet.
The teachers used heal on us whenever they could or else our body wouldn't last long from our intense schedule. Before we went to class, we dropped by their office. When the teachers entered the classroom, the first thing they did was to use more heal on us. But since it has gotten worse, we went to visit their office during breaks as well.
Yulian frowned as he couldn't push himself further after our bruises began to turn into green. I sadly smiled as it seemed he had to have exhausted more than three quarters of his mana for us. Even the teachers felt lightheaded from using too much heal these days. Our classmates pitied us as they saw heal barely helping with our horrible condition.
"Are you going to be fine?" Claire asked while we went through the rest of the work together.
"We just hope the teachers will find the culprit soon," Luke didn't look up from the documents.