The Musician (7)

"Let's start searching the school," I frowned as the music started playing.

Maybe things will be a bit different in the high school section of the school. Shelly nodded her head as she slipped out of the bed with me. The first place we would go together would be the music room. The automatic doors opened, showing a violin floating in the air, playing the melody to that horrible song. I unconsciously raised my hand in the direction of the violin and yelled, "explosion."

The walls towards the back exploded, debris forming from my powerful spell as the violin continued to play the song. Shelly, who had also lost all her patience mumbled, "laser beam."

The ceiling started to tilt as we could hear the sounds of others running towards the room. We smiled when it was the rest of our team who stared at the violin. Miliana, who couldn't tolerate the noise more than the rest of us, started laughing like crazy. Her eyes narrowed as she muttered, "nuclear bomb."

My eyes widened from the spell that surrounded the entire room as Luke pulled me with him to run away. Sprinting to avoid the second effects of the spell, I didn't look back as the entire section of the building began to collapse. Miliana brightly smiled as we couldn't hear the sound of the violin in the music anymore, not regretting her actions.

"We should blow up the entire building!" Her eyes sparkled.

"I don't think it'll be bad," I agreed.

Before others could disagree, Miliana started to mutter a bigger version of the nuclear bomb spell. Luke grabbed my hand to drag me away again as we tried to escape from the building itself this time. My heart almost skipped a beat as I could hear the sounds of the explosion that was louder than the music. I panted with sweat slipping down from my hair when I stopped running for my life. I shivered as I watched more than one building getting destroyed by her spell. Charles shook Miliana's shoulders to bring her back to her senses, afraid she would blow up the entire campus.

"The accordion stopped," she looked disappointed as the brass instruments and drums still continued to play.

"They were destroyed sooner than I thought they would," someone spoke behind us.

I spun to find a shadow in the form of a human in front of me. She held a flute in her hands as the rest of her features couldn't be seen. The smell coming from her reminded me of the s-class monsters. Luke noticed the same as well, stepping in front of me. He pulled out his sword with Alex and Charles.

"I'll have to add more to my symphony," her voice contained some disappointment.

"Why us? Why the poking?" I couldn't help but ask.

"I am called the musician. Since none of the monsters appreciated my music, I came here from being told that humans have different tastes. The poking is just an indicator to who can hear the music," she added some woodwinds to the song.

"Are you a monster?" I stepped a few steps away from her.

"How rude!" She disappeared.

"I told you we should've blown up the entire campus," Miliana complained.

"This does change things," Alex placed his hand against his forehead.

"They're only targeting the school," I noticed.

"Can we leave the school?" I pitifully asked Luke.

I desperately needed a break from all the poking and music that made my ears bleed. We had suffered longer than the rest of our classmates. I was sure the middle school teachers would readily give us the permission to take a short break. Luke sighed, actually considering my idea since we were both exhausted.

When a trumpet suddenly loudly rang right beside us, my earmuffs weren't enough to protect me. My head throbbed as I felt actual blood dripping onto the fur. Alex instantly sliced the trumpet into two with his sword while his ears were no better than mine. I started to tremble as we could have temporarily lost our hearing from that incident.

"Shelly!" I dropped to the floor to check if she was fine.

Shelly collapsed onto the ground, her pulse faint as she was closest to the trumpet. Alex shook her, trying to wake her while her body began to get colder. Luke pulled out a bottle of medicine that he thought could help and passed it to Alex from his inventory. Alex shot him a thankful look as he tilted the bottle into her mouth.

"Is Shelly going to be ok?" I asked Alex.

"Michelle is going to be fine," he pointed out some colour was starting to return to her face.

While I held Shelly's hands, Luke cleaned the blood from my ears with a handkerchief. He also offered some extra pieces of cloth to the others as all our ears were damaged from the attack. I squeezed her hands, trying to keep her hands warm to help.

"We're going to the teacher's office the first thing in the morning," Luke didn't want the same to happen to me.

I pushed Miliana out of the way as I could hear faint sounds of another instrument coming towards us. I turned my head, trying to locate where it was coming from as others followed me with our damaged hearing. I gasped as a huge horn was about to crash into my skull.