The Musician (9)

"Rika!" Luke shook me awake.

"What?" I groaned, remembering the building in my dream.

I stiffened as I noticed I was still hugging Luke tightly, not leaving much space between us. I immediately unwrapped my arms around him, slowly looking up at his face. Freezing from staring at his beautiful face from just waking up, I quickly turned my head once I came back to my senses. Although I was used to his inhumane beauty from his family descended from fairies, there weren't many times I could see a vulnerable part of him.

His face was brighter and more energized from sleeping with me, unable to continue staying up. I stretched my arms before rolling away from him. There was no way I could get up from the bed, wanting to continue sleeping. My face dug into the pillow as I muttered one more hour of sleep. Luke sighed, leaving me alone once he was freed from my grasp.

"Only for today," he rose from the bed.

I watched him yawn as he struggled to walk properly, tethering side to side. Opening his marble to prepare to go over today's lesson sent by the teachers, he sat down on the couch. But his eyelids couldn't stop dropping every few seconds, showing he was still tired. He continued to wobble as he tried to keep his eyes open until he found the upper part of his body falling onto the couch. I covered my mouth, trying to prevent myself from thinking he was so cute in trying to not fall asleep.

Giving up with the strong temptation of taking a short nap, he eventually fell asleep with the silence that filled the room. I smiled before deciding to stop watching him and continue sleeping on the bed. Passing the entire day by sleeping, my eyes slid towards the couch, finding Luke was still sleeping. I started to feel bad he was on the couch while I was on the bed. At the same time, I didn't want to wake him up.

I tiptoed around the room, trying not to make a single sound. My stomach growled, being hungry for not eating a single meal yesterday. I slowly turned the doorknob, escaping from the room after silently closing the door. I never knew practicing to softly close the door would ever become helpful.

I almost cheered once I was stepping down the stairs as I could do whatever I wanted while Luke was sleeping. I ran into the dining room where the tablets were located, wondering what to order for breakfast. But I was soon interrupted as I was getting a call from Shelly. While I started to order some cake, I found Alex's face on the video call instead of Shelly. I instantly regretted picking up the call as I hid the tablet behind my back.

"Is there anything you need?" I wondered what was wrong.

"Luke hasn't been picking up any calls yesterday and today," Alex looked worried for his cousin.

"He's sleeping. We've been both sleeping ever since we arrived here," I explained.

"I'll come over," Alex began to get into a hover car.

"You can't!" I blurted.

"You may wake him up when he hasn't slept in weeks," I told him why I didn't wake him.

"You can't stay in the mansion mostly by yourself," Alex ignored my concerns.

"I'll watch over Luke. How can watching over the mansion be hard?" I tried to dismiss his worries.

"You're probably ordering cake for breakfast, aren't you? And you're not planning to study or even touch the lessons sent by the teachers," he crossed his arms.

I stiffened as his suspicions were confirmed once four whole cakes suddenly appeared on the dining room table behind me. I pretended there was nothing there as I tried to block the view from the camera. Instead of waking Luke, he was trying to watch over me for him. Ending the call before all the cakes would be confiscated, I stuffed the cakes inside my mouth. Alex also had access to this mansion as Luke gave him the identification tag for emergency purposes.

This was why I didn't notice him standing behind me as he tried to silently enter the mansion to let Luke continue sleeping. I reached my arms out for the other two cakes I couldn't touch yet as he ordered the servants to take them away. Licking the cream on my lips, I disappointingly sat down on the chair. In some ways, Alex was more inflexible than Luke. I wondered why Shelly wasn't here to visit with him as I started to leave the room.

"We're going to catch up on the lessons," he grabbed my wrist.

I sighed as I nodded my head to follow him into the library. Once we entered a study room there, I could make as much noise as I wanted with the soundproof rooms. I continued to stand while Alex gestured to me to sit down on a chair. The table was filled with materials we had missed from the past few days. Since we were behind the other class, there were more to cover than usual. My newfound freedom shattered as I knew these would take days to finish in the time-space room.

"I want to sleep," I grumbled.

"Open the book Rika," he narrowed his eyes.

"Can't we continue this once Luke wakes up?" I turned my head away from him.