The Magician (8)

A boy wore great magician robes in front of a competition venue. He had received many praises from his teachers for his magical talent. Although he didn't possess as much mana as others, the innovative spells he created attracted much attention. Included in many media outlets, he proudly was able to get the connections to enter one of the most prestigious competitions. Pushing his glasses up, he puffed his chest to go inside.

Looking at the list of his competitors, he noticed they were mostly occupied by people in prestigious and powerful families. I walked beside him, finding familiar names I knew. The Roselia, Monete, and Lumiere families were all included in the list. In fact, everyone who became a target had a representative from their families here. I continued to follow him as he unpacked his belongings inside his room.

The list of past winners in the competition brochure all came from those families he had a grudge against. Filled with determination to become the first winner from a common family, he decided to go to the practice room. The boy couldn't stop staring at all the magical equipment, much more advanced than all the materials he ever had access before he came here. Sliding his hand over a sword, he felt the weapon humming with mana.

"Excuse me. This is my sword," A boy asked him to let go of the sword.

The boy was one of the most beautiful human beings he had ever seen. Bright crystal blue eyes with silvery hair that slid in other colours in the rainbow, and angular features symmetrically reflecting each other to create perfection. The clothes he wore also drifted with mana, faintly stamped with the Roselia family crest at one of its pockets. He had heard that people from powerful families were different from others, but never to this extent.

"I'm sorry," he mumbled, still staring at him.

I walked closer to the boy who resembled Luke. Walking around him, trying to find out his identity, I gasped when I realized he was a younger version of Luke's grandfather in my memories. I knew there was something odd about this competition, never hearing about this before. The determined boy stared at an empty space after Luke's grandfather left after retrieving his sword. Among all the beautiful people in the room, he instantly felt out of place, deciding to find someplace else to practice.

Going back to his room, he practiced some light spells alone. But he shook his head, knowing there was only so much things he could do inside this room. He decided to go outside, the competition also having multiple places to practice. As expected, the outdoors practice space was empty with the others preferring the indoor one. He went inside and began to develop a new spell he had been struggling to refine the past few days.

The concept was disintegration. He wanted something that would destroy an item out of its existence, erased from the world. Looking at the dummy, he imagined at all the power he would possess in his hands once he perfected it. However, he was interrupted from someone knocking on the door. He opened the door, leading back inside the competition venue.

"I apologize, but we have booked this space to practice in the schedule," another fellow competitor pointed out.

"I didn't know," he meekly answered.

"Is it your first time competing here?" the competitor playfully bent down towards him.

"It is," he blushed.

He stared at her charming hair glide down onto his face from being barely a step away from her. The boy had never been close to such a celestial beauty before. She brilliantly smiled at him, making the boy forget why he had come here in the first place. The girl quickly spun around when she heard the footsteps of others coming. She liked seeing his naïve reaction since it had been some time that she had seen anyone so innocent.

"I'm Alison de Lumiere," she reached her hand out.

"Alison," he whispered her name in a trance.

"Don't you know she's playing with you?" I yelled to warn him.

Alison's eyes were glimmering with mischievousness, wondering how to use him as her next toy. But before I could interfere a bit further, I opened my eyes to face the familiar ceiling again. I sighed, finding myself attached to all those stupid needles again. I rose to punch the pillow from being frustrated these incidents of going to the infirmary may never end. With no one inside the room, I threw some pillows on the ground after destroying them.

Feathers drifted down from the air as if I had angel wings behind my back. When Lucius opened the door with Luke coming in from behind him, they noticed the trashed room. I guiltily avoided their glance, hoping they would call for the servants to clean the mess. Maybe I should have brushed some feathers under the bed instead of throwing more pillows to create some noise.

"I was bored so I had a pillow fight with myself," I pretended there was nothing wrong.

"I don't want to bring you here as well Rika," Luke called for the servants.

The atmosphere inside the room was stiff as it was my first time trashing the infirmary. But not many people who figured out that they would have to give up something important to them forever would still be sane after knowing.

"By the way, do you know who Alison de Lumiere is?" I tried to switch the topic.

"Our grandmother?" Lucius wondered why I was curious.