"With all of them out of their mansions, it'll be easier to find the target," I pointed out.
"Rika!" Luke turned to me to close my mouth.
"Let's do disintegration!" I brightly smiled, knowing I wouldn't be the only one unable to play that game.
"I thought the people important to you were there," the magician became confused whose side I was on.
"We're not killing them. We're just destroying some of their wealth!" I defended myself.
"I guess that wouldn't be bad," the magician followed my reasoning.
"Wait, are you actually listening to her?" The juggler tried to stop him from adding more attacks on the mansions.
"Everything she said was true," he shrugged.
Once he tapped on all the mansions, the entire neighbourhood exploded with all the buildings crumbling down from the bombs. When some people were still inside, he added lightning bolts to make a bigger impact. Watching everyone run out of the mansions to find a safer place, I gestured to the magician to start the disintegration. Meanwhile, Luke looked away from the scene, not able to watch everyone suffer underneath him.
After many tornadoes and fires about to invade the mansions, the neighbourhood finally became an open space when everything inside them had also completely disappeared from the disintegration spell. In turn, this left no place else to hide, increasing the difficulty level of avoiding the other spells by a tremendous amount. Everyone immediately started to scatter, hoping that they wouldn't become the next target. Barriers were quickly formed in small groups as their last chances of survival.
"We should go a little easier on them, they're still children," the dancer pitied them.
"Maybe we should just stick with easier attacks like laser beams," I started to feel guilty now that they didn't have anything to defend themselves.
"But the laser beams will instantly destroy the barrier if the coverage is weak," the magician decided to go with my suggestion.
"Rika!" Luke couldn't stand some of his family members being tortured anymore.
"Then poisonous fog," I tried to take back the laser beams.
"I'll add those in too. If there's any holes in the barrier, they'll suffocate to their deaths," he tapped on the map.
"Whose side are you on?" The juggler saw my suggestions were worse than what the magician had come up with on his own.
"We should really take those attacks back. Don't you think you had enough? I think it'll be easier to search for the target now like Rika had mentioned," the musician tried to convince him.
"We'll kill them at this rate," the dancer added.
"We were killed when we were around the same age," the magician wasn't willing to cancel the spells.
Unable to stay silent anymore, Luke looked up to the magician, begging him to stop the attacks. His alluring face made you instantly feel guilty after taking a single glance of his desperate eyes with beautiful tears falling out. As each tear landed on the magician's hand, he started to feel a bit shaken. He was the cause of making such a beautiful child tremble in fear.
"Please don't kill my brother, sister and cousins. They didn't do anything wrong," Luke's voice wobbled.
After looking at how miserably tortured Luke appeared, the three of them glared at the magician to stop the attacks. The magician angrily sighed as he cancelled all the spells, giving into the pressure, not daring to take another look at Luke. However, Luke didn't stop his silent tears streaming down his face, not knowing when the magician would change his mind.
"I'm sorry," I couldn't look at Luke anymore.
"You can take me to Ailes in exchange for letting everyone go," I knew it would solve everything.
"I'm the person he's looking for," I decided to sacrifice myself.
"Rika?" Luke's tears stopped.
"My appearance changed once a fairy took my identity away," I explained why Ailes' description didn't match.
"I'll let him know," the magician finally found an answer to why he couldn't find the target.
"No, you can't let her be in his hands. You'll kill her," Luke reached out his hands to grab me.
"He tried to kill her several months ago," he recalled almost mourning over me.
"Ailes is already coming this way," the magician pitied Luke.
"She'll die!" Luke turned to scream at him.
"Rika has a frail body. There's no way she'll survive from a single touch from him. She won't even turn into a monster if that's his aim since she won't survive the process," he pleaded to them to let us go.
"That is a problem," Ailes stopped dashing towards us, already in front of us.
"She wasn't this weak the last time I saw her," he began to closely study me.
Luke froze, finding things already too late. Shaking in fear for the both of us, there was nothing he could do in the magician's arms. A s-class monster was different in terms of sheer power, making running away a better choice.
"Hey, Ailes," I greeted him.
"You know I didn't mean to run away from you back then, right?" I sighed.
"We're both from South Korea. We should stick together since we've both reincarnated into this world," he pretended to be a bit offended from that incident.
Luke spun to look at me immediately after hearing about my reincarnation. I guessed this wasn't commonplace in this world like the ability freely given out in each of the cards. Turning my attention back to Ailes, I reminded him, "I think I already told you about my circumstances. Can't you understand?"