Finale of the Circus (6)

"I'm afraid we can't help you, Rika doesn't know how to do that spell," Luke repeated my answer.

"Although my husband may be able to help you, it will take some time," Joanna fearlessly escorted him to a spare room.

The juggler sadly nodded, turning to take one last glance towards me before leaving to follow her. The Pelargonium mansion grounds also quickly turned into a battlefield with the adults taking their positions outside while children were to stay inside the mansion, acting as lookouts. Once intelligent monsters died, they were slightly easier to fight, unable to reason or strategize. The festive mood was completely gone, everyone armed with weapons.

"It's not your fault," Belle helped me attach a sharp dagger onto the belt on my leg.

"I can help you fight," I was filled with guilt.

"Don't even think about Rika," Alex crossed his arms.

"We can help them from here," Shelly tried to comfort me.

Everyone inside the room went silent again from her comment. Wondering why everyone was still treating her this way when the adults were gone, Shelly became flustered. Normally when we were in school or fraction events, everyone else included her. Alex sighed, coldly staring at Shelly was interrupting our conversation.

"We apologize for making you uncomfortable during our family event," Lucius warned Shelly to not interfere any further.

"No, I didn't mean to," Shelly frantically waved her hands.

"Would you like us to escort you to a safer place?" Belle offered to Yulee and Shelly.

"Please do," Yulee seemed used to this.

Jules got the hint from Belle's nod to escort Yulee back to her room. After they left, everyone turned to Shelly, hoping she would ask for the same. It was clear that they were outsiders compared to me where Luke made sure I never left his line of sight. Getting no answer from Shelly, they continued to do their roles as lookout.

"I'll stay," Shelly clenched her fists.

My eyes widened with the multiple layers of spells topped on each other outside the window. The adults were focusing on one monster each to do the same spell as Luke's grandfather. I never knew it would be this complex, seeing how easy it was for killing the swordsman. When the spells activated all together, the light brightly shined, dashing into our room, making me squint my eyes.

Once the light disappeared, only Ailes was eliminated among the circus members, crumbling into nothing except for faint dust. I couldn't believe such a powerful spell could merely get rid of one s-class monster. Only people with an abundant amount of mana like me could ever attempt doing something like this alone.

"That's why I told you it'll take years to perfect that spell," Luke noticed me unable to take my eyes off them.

"Once I turn sixteen-." I imagined all the powerful things I could do.

"You're still far away from sixteen Rika," Lucius knew what I was thinking.

"Shelly, he's trying to ruin my dreams of becoming a cheat character," I ran to hug her.

"I'm really going to become a cheat character one day that can do anything!" I ignored his comments.

Shelly slightly tilted her head, confused what I meant by a cheat character. My eyes started to twinkle as I explained to her, "a cheat character can do anything. Defeating monsters and doing big spells are nothing. Once I turn sixteen, I'll be able to do whatever I want. Obviation will become nothing!"

"Wow," Shelly praised me.

I smiled as I began to think of all the things that the main protagonists in light novels and manga were able to do. The Roselia family will be nothing to me by then. What could they do when there was someone else more powerful than them?

"This is what Rika has been thinking of ever since she visited grandfather," Luke sighed while explaining to Belle and Alex.

"Grandfather destroyed a monster within a second!" I wanted to become the same.

I started to wonder if Rika had any grandparents, never meeting anyone else in my family except for my parents, my twin brother, aunt, and younger cousins. Becoming greedier after being part of Luke's family union, I wanted to visit them. Even in my former life, I remembered all my relatives gathering together for the holidays.

"She's getting some dangerous ideas in her head," Luke continued to watch me.

"We can always help watch over her," Lucius comforted him with Belle.

Used to all the dashing lights coming through the windows, lighting up the entire sky, the next time I looked outside the window, only the magician and the other s-class monster remained. Feeling relaxed enough to continue eating my leftover plate of cake, my sense of danger had decreased. It was nice when someone else did all the fighting for you.

"Ailes deserved something like this coming," a humanoid sat in front of me.

"Weren't you an advocate for peace?" I enjoyed my strawberry shortcake.

"I'm the new leader now. I'm here to negotiate some terms," he grabbed a teacup.

Everyone spun to where he sat, wondering how he was able to pass through the powerful barriers. Unable to move from his spell, paralysing everyone except for me, he pretended to drink the tea. Since I knew he wasn't like Ailes, always appearing like he would rather not be here with them, I didn't fear him while focusing on the cake.

"Why me?" I smiled while licking the cream on my lips.