Turns (9)

"I don't think the three of us should take turns anymore," I looked at the courtyard burnt down.

"What else do you suggest?" Henry crossed his arms.

"Only one of us should stay with Luke during this time, being the lookout," I pointed out more people could use the room that way.

"It works!" Sienna agreed, wanting more days for herself.

We decided to declare a truce while repairing the courtyard together. We needed to eat lunch as well since we were struggling from the lack of energy during class from being too focused on the fight. Walking to the cafeteria together, we were going to discuss creating a new schedule on who was going to watch over Luke. Fortunately, Luke had never visited the café after the first day that I had cried about our fight together.

"I get the weekends!" I shouted after getting my tray of food.

"I also call on the weekends as well!" Sienna yelled.

"I'm not giving up on those days too!" Henry joined in.

"Relax, only one of us has to give up that day," Cillian wrote his name down so that he could also take the weekends.

"Pass me that paper," I swiped it from him.

"Give me it to me next," Delia pulled it away from me right after I wrote my name.

"Wait, me too, me too!" Sienna slammed her hands against the table, making it shake.

"Don't think you'll get the last day of this week," Ellen fought for the paper with Shelly.

"You're going to rip the paper at this rate!" Shelly shouted.

"Can you calm down?" Charles was sick of his tray slightly jumping from the table from our fight.

"You're not a part of this!" We all screamed at him.

"Now give me the paper for the Fridays!" I pulled on the paper with all my strength from Sienna.

"No, there's only six Fridays left on this one!" She wasn't willing to give up.

After the weekends and Fridays were sorted out, there were still the weekdays left. While we fought for the paper, everyone began to leave our table to sit somewhere else. Lighter pieces of food jumped in the air with drinks being split while the table rumbled frequently from our wrestling. With fewer days left over, Sienna began to throw her nearly finished tray at Henry. This made Henry not afraid to retaliate back, making his tray land close to Cillian's face.

The cafeteria walls were splattered with food, dripping down like there was a paint war. While dodging the piece of bread aimed at my face, I threw a plate of salad at Henry. Thinking it would be better to starve or eat outside than being hit by a plate of food, everyone else started to leave the cafeteria. They all saw how none of us were sane anymore. Even Luke stiffened when he noticed the mess, choosing to turn at the entrance after picking up his food with Alex.

By the time we were finished with arranging the new schedule, we were the only ones inside the cafeteria. Making sure that none of the teachers would figure out, we quickly cleaned up the mess before class would start. Before deciding to separate, I showed them how Luke would normally spend his days, making the lookout's role easier. I hoped that now only one of us would have to give up their turn, the fights wouldn't continue anymore.

Going into the club room since it was Cillian's turn today, Oili seemed a bit surprised how there were more of us here than usual. There was less space in the club room, making the president wonder if they should move into a bigger room. My eyes instantly landed on the headgears, finding only five when there were seven of us who wanted to use them. Before others noticed, I quickly pulled one out.

"There's not enough for all of us!" Sienna wasn't able to swipe one in time.

"Please, I need one," she cutely looked up at Oili.

"Can you give it to me instead?" Shelly's hand glided on the headgear in his hands.

"Wait, he's giving it to me!" Sienna yelled at Shelly.

"He didn't say anything yet!" Shelly argued back.

"Maybe you guys can take turns," the president suggested.

"No way!" All of us screamed.

"I guess we'll have to purchase more using our club account," the president didn't want the fights to escalate here.

"You should buy five more. You need some spares in case the power inside them dies," Oili turned to him.

"Can you buy the sequel to the demon kingdom game as well?" I requested.

"Wait, I also need the rest of the series for the warfare game," Henry joined me.

"And you should also buy the rest of the series for the singing competition game," Oili wanted to sing more songs.

The president helplessly complied to all our orders, not leaving much of the budget leftover. There was no way he could accept some of our requests while declining others, afraid that we would get into another fight. A few of the original members had already quit the club, not wanting to be dragged into our fights any longer. There was only the president and one more original member left. Apparently, they were the founding members of this amazing club.

"There's games from the third district here," the president suggested to Sienna and Shelly until the headgears would come.