Food Stall (3)

"Rika! Luke is heading towards the café," Ellen warned us from her sudden video call.

"Let's take the key and go to the café," I turned to all of them.

Once you had the key, you could teleport in and out of the club room. This was also a measure to make sure people that weren't members couldn't do the same. Each of us grabbed a key and quickly teleported to the café while Oili decided to escape to his dorm room. We all gave each other a knowing glance that we would teleport to the club room from the café from now on. We didn't want to run into the victims on our way to the club room.

Sighing in relief that all of us managed to arrive at the café, we forget about our drenched clothes. This would instantly make Luke suspicious about what we were doing in the café. Hoping that Ellen would buy us some time, we began to change into our spare clothes in our marbles, which were our pyjamas. We piled the wet clothes beneath the table since it wouldn't dry in the inventory where time was frozen.

By the time Luke arrived at the café, he oddly found us together, helping each other change clothes. Instantly finding the drenched uniforms we tried to hide, he brightly smiled, asking us what had happened. I turned to the others, hoping they would be the ones to explain since I would likely make a blunder. However, no one wanted to be the one who would expose everything, earning all our grudges.

"Gosh! I can't believe they escaped, teleporting somewhere else when we used a spell on their door to see if they were still there," A mana research club member walked near the café.

Realizing this was no time to focus on Luke, we continued to change, ignoring his gaze. Delia used a light fire spell to help dry our uniforms, desperately trying to hide the traces of water. While nobody could come inside the café other than us, it didn't mean they couldn't look through the doors or the windows. Shelly dashed to help her as we could hear more angry members roaming around us.

"We should change back into our uniforms," Delia handed them back to us one by one.

"I'll help dry everyone's hair," Cillian began to blow dry each of us with a wind spell.

"I'll mop the café floors," I offered once I wore my uniform, completely dry after Cillian had helped me.

"Are they still there?" Sienna continued to duck under the window.

"I'm going to kill them. Who's their president?" The member who lost their precious flower screamed.

"Duck down!" I shouted, avoiding all the members who have tracked our teleportation path.

We totally forgot about Luke who was watching us the entire time. He seamlessly blended into the background, following our every move. Once I took a peek at his face, I quickly looked away, realizing that he was slowly starting to piece everything together. I was thankful that none of the members ever thought of checking the people inside the café, thinking we would never be the ones to do it with the reputation from our families.

"We accidentally messed up on a spell," Cillian noticed the same as me.

"The spell targeted the club building," he explained to Luke.

"There's more people gathering," Sienna's eyes widened.

"How big was the damage?" Luke was used to me making trouble.

"We accidentally ruined all the outfits of the people from the dance club who had a competition today. The decoration club also recently purchased a rare flower that wilted from our spell while the mana research club had their magical orb destroyed," Sienna trembled for help.

Luke decided to stay ignorant with the rest of us, knowing that the clubs wouldn't just let us go for this. He knew how precious those items were to them while his cousin was in the dance club, practicing for weeks for this one competition. We knew he was wondering why we used the spell in the first place, but all of us were stuck in this situation, unable to use teleportation again since they could trace us.

"Do you have a plan?" I hoped Luke had a solution for this.

"We should stay here until they leave," he decided to stick with the same plan we had.

However, all the victims continued to angrily search for the culprits, including Yulee who was passionate about leading them. It was starting to get dark while they didn't seem to be giving up. We were thankful it was a Saturday since we could sleep in tomorrow, which was part of the reason the high school students weren't leaving. Maybe we would have to sleep inside the café while hoping Yulee wouldn't enter the café since she had access to it.

"The only place we didn't search was that café," One of the members pointed out.

"There's no way anyone in that café would make this mistake. Most of them are middle schoolers," Yulee dismissed their claims.

"But you should check just in case," most of them argued.

"Get out the workbooks!" Delia gestured to turn the café into a study room.

"I got them," Henry pulled a pile of what the class had covered for the past week.

"We can work on a volume each," he distributed a subject to each of us.

"I'll order some desserts," I tapped on the tablet to make us seem less suspicious.

With Yulee turning the doorknob, all of us stiffened while we waited for our fates to arrive.