Food Stall (7)

I woke up earlier than Luke to help them set up the event on Monday morning. I needed to pretend I was just waking up when I returned to my room since Luke shook me awake during the weekdays. Teleporting to the location where we were meeting since I didn't have lots of time, I found everyone at the barrier separating the two campuses in this school.

It was a place where many of the middle and high schoolers travelled to get to the club building or the place near our café. I opened a marker to write on the large sign, 'Smoothies and Seafood Balls. As long as you don't tell Luke de Impalia Roselia and Alex de Monete or let them know, each of them costs one thousand Aris!'

"Is this good enough?" I did my role for today after checking all the food in the inventory.

"This works!" Sienna clapped.

I nodded, immediately teleporting back to my room. Not making a single sound, I covered myself with a blanket, drenched with sweat from checking up on the last-minute details for the event before drifting into a deep slumber. This was why Luke thought I had another fever when he tried to shake me awake to prepare for class. He frowned as he pondered whether to leave me alone in the dorm room today.

"I don't have a fever," I needed to follow him for today.

"I'll take you to the infirmary after morning classes are done," he determined.

"I'm really ok, I can go to classes today," I rose from my bed.

"You can take me to the infirmary if it gets worse," I grabbed his wrist.

Luke sighed, knowing how much I hated staying in the infirmary. He looked like he would keep an eye on me for the entire day to see if my condition would get worse. I was glad I wouldn't have to spend much effort following him around today. After morning classes, it was time to make sure he wouldn't go near the place we were selling the food. Since Luke and Alex were almost inseparable in school, it wouldn't be hard to keep them together.

"You don't even like this place," Alex found it odd for me to follow them to their usual spar.

"I got into another fight with them," I pretended to sulk.

"Again?" Luke knew how I was busy sending messages to them inside my room from the frequent vibrations.

"And I want to learn how to properly use the sword too!" I switched the topic.

"There's no way we're letting you near them," Alex blocked me from the wooden swords.

"How hard can it be to swing some swords?" I argued.

"Are you sure she doesn't have another fever again?" Alex turned to Luke.

I dropped my head since both of them knew how I would rather stuff myself with desserts at the café than coming here. Luke took my temperature again to find there were no signs of an upcoming fever like this morning. I pouted since there was no way my acting would work on them. But I have wasted already ten minutes of their time by distracting them like this.

��I don't always spend my time by eating more cakes!" I felt a little offended.

"I just wanted to study to earn more points," I tugged on Luke's sleeve.

"But you hate studying!" Alex instantly found me suspicious.

"I wanted a massage and spa chair in my dorm room, ok?" I found an interesting item in my school tablet.

Normally, I would be too busy trying to earn points to upgrade my room, but it all changed once I entered the best dorm room possible. Going through the tablet to find more things to purchase when I was bored, I found many interesting but expensive items. Back then, I sighed as I would never be able to afford these things. Instead, I visited other people's dorm rooms that had these items. But I never liked visiting Shelly's dorm while Alex was there.

"Maybe we can continue the spar tomorrow," Luke knew how I always gushed about these items.

"Wait, we should bring Alex with us," I stopped Luke from going off on our own.

"He needs to suffer with me to make me feel a bit better!" I came up with a decent excuse.

"I guess I can accompany you," Alex evilly smiled.

I gulped as I started to regret my method of trying to distract them. Maybe I should have just stuck to quietly watching them like the others did. I couldn't even cry during my break time while they piled more work in front of me since I asked for it. There was no way Luke would pass up this chance since I barely cooperated during his intense study sessions. I was almost at my breaking point as Alex added to Luke's usual lectures whenever I made a mistake.

"I don't want my massage and spa chair anymore," my head crashed against the table on my last break of the day.

"It's not worth it!" I couldn't lift my head up.

"I knew this would happen," Alex mumbled.

"Rika at least go finish this page before the break ends," Luke wanted me to take responsibility for instigating the study sessions together.

"Wait. These will replace the study session for today, right?" I suddenly came up with a brilliant idea.