Obtaining Funds (1)

I smiled since we finally had enough workers to meet our demand. Ignoring how everyone looked like they were about to die, not taking a single break before going to class, I transferred things in and out of my inventory. I did feel a little guilty when people trembled in fear whenever they found me inside the room, but things were getting accomplished. All I had to do was to teleport between the locations since a few members got a promotion to pressure them in my place.

The food and agriculture research club alongside the design club members seemed to enjoy the new power they possessed in their hands. Maybe they even had a grudge against people who were in bigger clubs, not hesitating to vent their stress towards them. Ever since I had recruited new workers from the decorating club, Ethan took this opportunity to give himself a promotion, becoming merciless to his fellow club members.

"We're finally not behind!" Delia smiled when I delivered a larger supply to them.

"We have enough workers now," I cheered with her.

Maybe it was time to go to the design team to automate some of the process in selling the food. I could form a new innovation team to create a machine that would take orders for us and deliver them to the customers. This way all we had to do was to supply the machines when they were starting to run out. Telling Delia and Cillian about my idea, they agreed since it could help take some of the load off their shoulders.

"I'm going to be taking some of your workers away," I teleported to the design club room.

"You can't!" The three club presidents shouted.

"It's going to be a small team," I tried to comfort them.

"I'm only taking all the design club members with me," I was going to lead them into our club room.

"We won't be able to survive without them," a member from the mana research club begged me.

"I guess find another way?" I didn't have time to waste on them.

This was how half of the ancient artifacts room was used to make more food while the other half was already in the production process of making the machines from Oili's blueprints. Thankfully, Oili knew exactly what I was talking about since we explored the vending machines from the third district together. Although we couldn't do this for the seafood balls yet, it was possible for the smoothies.

"This is amazing!" Sienna praised the first smoothie vending machine.

"The innovation team is working on more," I smiled.

Once Sienna placed the vending machine out, showing how it worked to the crowd, it helped us to immediately reach more customers. Unfortunately, this meant we needed to speed up in producing more food on our end. When I returned the design club members back to their original team, everyone appeared haggard, almost about to faint from the sudden increase in orders. I quickly looked away from them as I gave them the new orders they would have to fulfill.

"How is the number of people not decreasing?" Ethan didn't understand when I showed him the never-ending crowd of people even with the vending machines.

"That's what I'm thinking," I sighed as it got even busier.

"It seems that more people are coming back after purchasing the limit," our president heard some of the rumors.

"They know how it'll be gone by the end of week so they're getting the idea to stockpile them into their inventory," Cillian watched how nobody was ordering for anyone else but themselves.

"Is this why the crowd is only increasing?" I couldn't believe his words.

We were busy filling up the vending machines before putting them out to the public. Sending these pictures out to the rest of the teams to motivate them to produce more, I wondered how much money we made from this. I was almost dying from doing this after attending Luke's intense study session. I could tell Luke was starting to become more suspicious what I did during break time.

When Shelly, Ellen and I returned to the classroom, we all appeared like we were about to faint. Meanwhile, Charles, Miliana and Alan who had stockpiled some food for themselves, pretended they didn't know anything that was going on. In fact, almost all the people in the school avoided Luke and Alex in the hallways, ignoring them like they didn't exist due to their pledge. Including a few of the teachers who were afraid that they would get caught.

But there was no way I could give up my role of teleporting to all the locations to become the lookout again. This role exhausted so much of my mana from all the frequent times I used them. After pushing the venting machine out to the customers, I teleported back to the design club room. Everyone briefly froze before scrambling to add more containers to the pile. I was glad that I didn't have to threaten them anymore since it would take up more of my energy. Who knew it would be this hard to earn money for the club?

"How could they even think of stockpiling?" One of the members from the mana research club heard about the rumors.

"I don't know, I just need triple the numbers of what you gave me last time," I sighed.