My stomach loudly grumbled inside the classroom as I had to skip lunch break with a bunch of frustrated teachers who noticed I wasn't listening to them. Since the teachers weren't talking to each other, they didn't notice that they were consecutively calling me to the point I would have no time to eat. I have never skipped both breakfast and lunch on a weekday in years. I had a snack in between if it ever happened, making it easier on me to survive through the classes.
I couldn't lift my head from the desk as the teachers frequently targeted me when they asked questions if everyone understood the material. My dreams shattered of possibly having an early dinner when my evening break was taken away in the process. Did everyone ignore my hungry stomach ringing inside the room?
"Can you answer this question for us Rika?" The teacher pointed to the board.
"I don't know what subject this is," I gave up for today.
"It's the history of the first district," the teacher sighed.
"Then I don't know," I felt exhausted.
"Can you see me during your evening break?" The teacher came up to my desk.
"My evening break is already taken from your colleagues teaching the classes before this one," I showed her how she was too late.
"You can switch with one of them," I suggested before trying to sleep my hunger away.
"Please see me when all your classes end," she took more of my free time.
"I'll place it on my schedule," I dragged her name onto the list I created to keep track.
After my evening break ended, I didn't even bother to lift my head to answer the teachers anymore. I never skipped meals for the entire day before. These teachers needed better communication amongst themselves to keep their students from starving to death. Before the teacher asked me to meet them after classes ended, I pulled out my screen, "there's already three people before you. I'm only available after them if you don't want to switch with them."
"You never skipped both lunch and dinner before," the second last teacher of the day didn't believe me.
"Tell your colleagues that. I also had to skip breakfast," I was dying inside.
The teacher eventually gave up on me, adding himself on the end of the list since it would take too much of the class time to fight back. My vision was starting to wobble as the last teacher of the day came into the room. Bright shining light was coming from his back as I imagined dashing to the cafeteria before I went to the teacher's office again. I brightly smiled, making the teacher confused as I pretended to listen to his lecture.
Since it looked like I was focusing very hard in his class, he didn't ask me any questions. Meanwhile, my body felt extremely warm and sometimes cold that I was shivering where the temperature was supposed to be perfectly regulated. I rubbed my arms to help me with the cold as the teacher started to look at me strangely. Feeling my body tethering side to side, I dropped onto the freezing ground from my chair.
"Rika!" Cillian shook me.
"Are you ok?" Shelly tried to help me back up.
"She has a fever," the teacher placed his hand against my forehand.
"Class will be dismissed early today," the teacher carried me to the infirmary.
When looking at the results, the teacher was stunned, finding the cause being extreme malnutrition. Cillian ran to our dorm room to pull out the case full of medications that Luke had prepared for these kinds of cases. The teacher nodded his head that they were the right ones to take as he opened a supplement for me.
After chugging the horrible supplement, I finally got the energy to complain, "can you tell your colleagues to cancel their turns on this schedule? They didn't let me eat breakfast, lunch or dinner."
"How can they starve someone for the entire day?" I found them acting differently from when Luke was there with me.
"I'll let them know," the teacher left us.
Once the teacher was gone, I immediately pulled out all the machines attached to me. There was no way I was going to stay here for the rest of the day. My precious days without Luke couldn't be used up like this. When Cillian was about to say something, I explained, "I need to eat something first."
I waved to Delia when we met at the cafeteria together. Ordering a bunch of food since they didn't cost any points anymore, my eyes glittered from my first meal of the day. My mind almost melted when I ate a piece of steak covered in icing from a cake. My salad was turned into a candied dessert as cups of sugar were poured instead of dressing. I only froze when Luke suddenly sat in front of me on my table.
"Did you take your daily supplement?" He frowned at my meal.
"I did," I took out the part I went to the infirmary.
"You look like you have another fever," he noticed my flushed cheeks.
"The teacher ended classes early today to bring her to the infirmary," Charles joined the table.
"It's because they didn't let me eat any meals for the entire day before this. I couldn't eat breakfast, lunch or dinner," I glared at Charles to keep quiet.