Show Business (10)

Their hover car started to crash towards the ground as Alice chanted a lightning bolt spell, dashing down from the sky. I admired her precise aim as I watched everyone trying to escape. While our hover car sped towards the school, I opened the window to place my arm outside the window. To make sure they wouldn't be able to recover from her spell, I chanted a big explosion spell, "nuclear bomb!"

"Get into another car," the director noticed the spell about to activate as he yelled at them.

I gasped as I couldn't believe they had some backup behind them, a total of five cars they escaped into once the other hover car fell. Targeting my hand at another one of the cars, I repeated my explosion spells before quickly covering my ears once the spell activated. I smiled in victory once two of the cars exploded together from the aftereffects. This was why I liked using nuclear bombs no matter how destructive they were to the rest of their surroundings.

"They're trying to crash into us," Alice turned the steering wheel.

I tightly grabbed onto Ben as the car began to spin from Alice's crazy driving, flying upside down sometimes. Ben closed the windows as my head was getting dizzy from the other three cars trying to attack us. Closing my eyes to help me find some sense of balance, I felt like vomiting from my stomach flopping up and down. Being distracted from the driving, I didn't notice Ben chanting a few long-distance spells as I heard some screams flowing into my ear.

"Only one more car after us!" Alice smiled.

"We should rush into the school," Ben took over in driving the car.

"There's an explosion spell after us!" I yelled when we were almost above the school.

Ben immediately opened the door as the school gates of the middle school section widely opened from noticing the Nuelle family's crest on the car. Hugging me in his arms, he jumped down with Alice as the car exploded in the air. Pieces of the car bounced off the school barrier as only we were allowed inside. A crowd quickly gathered below us as we were still in the air. Raising my arms towards the car that attacked us, I chanted to destroy them, "whirlpool."

"It won't do much with their barrier," Alice prepared a spell of her own.

My whirlpool twisted and drilled to shatter their barrier. I smiled when I managed to crash their car in the ground as the theatre members jumped out of the car. Alice didn't know how much mana I placed into the spell, flooding the entire area outside the school. She watched the spell continuing to torture the members as they struggled to swim.

"You improved your whirlpool," she complimented me.

"I had some accidents along the way," I recalled I had angered three clubs in the process.

With Ben landing on the ground with Alice, the crowd knew they came from the Nuelle family with the crests stamped onto all our clothes. Unfortunately, everyone I knew was inside the crowd as I looked away from them, tightly clinging onto Ben's neck when I noticed Luke. The chattering increased as most people wondered why they were here when they had already graduated.

"Who's the girl in the arms of the heir of the Nuelle family?" someone whispered.

"She has to be from their family. She's wearing their family crest," another person pointed out my dress.

"But I don't recall anyone who's still in our school from the direct line of the Nuelle family," a person disagreed.

"Is Luke still there?" I whispered into Ben's ear.

"He is," he gulped.

"Does he know it's me?" My arms trembled.

"He does," Ben waited for the teachers to come.

"Can you let us know what has happened?" Daniel ran up to them.

"We're here to return a student while apologizing for the mess outside the school," He explained the situation.

"And would like a safe passage back," Alice wanted to use their teleportation gates.

"Rika?" Daniel didn't seem too surprised.

"Yea?" I decided to remain ignorant.

Once Ben let me down, I brushed off my dress and accessories, unfortunately all stamped with the Nuelle family crest. I couldn't just pull them out of my hair to hand it back to them. Maybe I would neatly give them the clothes and accessories once I got the chance to meet them again. Their crest was the cause of everyone curiously gathering around us, making me stand out. I longed for my cheap clothes as it would blend into the background easily.

"Nevermind," Daniel knew how I wasn't going to reveal everything here.

"Just visit my office tomorrow morning," he sighed.

"You two are free to use our teleportation gates," he turned to Ben and Alice.

This was my chance to quickly sprint to my dorm room to avoid everyone here. I wanted to change out of these clothes into my uniform since it was a weekday. However, the crowd blocked me from going anywhere as I decided to crawl my way out. Carefully lowering myself to avoid where Luke was, I crawled on the ground between all their shoes. I smiled as no one noticed since none of them thought of anyone escaping them through this way.

"Rika?" Someone pulled my arm while I was almost out of the crowd.