Author (2) - Delia's POV

"Can I come in?" Luke knocked on my bedroom door.

"You can," I allowed him to come while relaxing on my bed.

"I'm just packing some of Rika's uniforms with me," he sent me an apologetic glance.

Luke opened the lower drawers of Rika's closet. Only an eighth of Rika's closet was empty since she didn't choose to take most of her belongings with her. I didn't mind as I only took less than half of my things with me to her room since I would be staying here for two weeks. I couldn't stop staring at the different sizes of uniforms Luke pulled out. Some sizes were extremely small, better to fit an elementary student while others were a bit bigger.

"Is this all Rika's?" I couldn't believe she would be able to fit into all these different sizes.

"They are," Luke closed the drawer to open a cabinet beside the closet.

Inside the cabinet were many accessories I had seen Rika wear on an everyday basis. She had always grumbled how she didn't want to wear them. Taking a closer look, I noticed most of these accessories were spelled. Luke recharged some of the mana crystals to make the spells stronger before he packed them into a case. I didn't think all her accessories would be priceless, costing an entire fortune with the variety of designs.

I only possessed a few numbers of accessories that had spells on them. My family could never afford to buy me more since each of them were sold through the highest bids made by the finest craftspeople. Most of my accessories were ordinary exquisite jewels, and I thought hers would be the same. This reminded me of the extraordinary amount of wealth the topmost powerful families in the first district possessed.

"I'll go to the infirmary with you," I lightly stepped out of my bed.

Following Luke to the infirmary, I found Cillian watching over Rika while she slept on the bed. Not wasting any time, Luke began to explain to him, "this uniform is for when she wakes up tomorrow. I already ordered them in the sequence of days since the ones Rika packed won't fit her anymore."

"Will she even fit in them?" Cillian looked at the one with the smallest size.

"It may be a little loose on her. Put a sweater on her if the shirt doesn't quite fit her. There's also a belt," Luke pointed out how to arrange her uniform tomorrow.

Cillian was stunned like I was, not believing such a small size would be loose on her. He accepted the clothes and placed the case next to him on the ground. Luke opened another case with all the accessories he recently packed inside. Cillian's eyes widened at all the precious accessories that could be worth as much as one of his family villas.

"You have to put at least three bracelets and a ring on her each day. The bracelets will help her focus better in class and the ring will make it easier for her to control her mana," Luke went through each one.

"The headbands or clips will help with her fatigue and low stamina. You can choose either ones since Rika doesn't like any of them anyways," he passed the case to Cillian.

The next day, I found Rika happily smiling while using the headgear in the club room. I was curious if she was able to fit in such a small uniform. There was nothing off about her like she never had a fever in the first place. But Cillian looked a bit exhausted as he chose to watch over her instead of playing any games as usual.

"Did she fit in that size?" I whispered in his ear.

"It didn't fit her. It was way too loose. That's why she has that sweater on," he pointed out.

"If it wasn't for that sweater, it wouldn't cover how the shirt was eating her up. Her skirt wouldn't stay in place without the belt too," he pitied Luke.

"How?" I couldn't believe his words.

"Luke arranges her outfits so he can cover as much of her lost weight as possible. When I sent him a message about it, he replied that she can wear the same size for another two days," he sighed.

I was stunned since I didn't realize she was switching sizes all this time. She looked so natural in them, nicely fitting in every one of the different sizes. Walking back into my new dorm after using the club room, I found Luke still working with Alex on the given fraction work. I didn't know how he was managing his time while studying for his tests and taking care of Rika. A few days later, we received a grand number of points from his perfect scores. Did he even rest?

During the weekend, I chose to stay behind to console Sia since she was stuck with Alex. Spending my time using the headgears, I wondered how everyone was doing at the new Monete hotel. This was when I got a video call from Cillian, answering his call, he appeared extremely flustered.

"Rika got kidnapped," he immediately blurted.

"What?" I almost yelled.

"We can't track her. She was taken before we could go to the zoo," Cillian trembled.

"Does Luke know?" I feared for him.

"I'm going to die if I don't find her soon!" He wanted me to help hide this.