"Are you ready for the tests this week?" Shelly reminded me.
I couldn't take the tests last week since I was inside the infirmary, sick with a fever. Since I was unconscious, Cillian had to earn enough points for the both of us. However, this wasn't the case for this week's upcoming round of tests. Normally, we wouldn't have tests this often, but this was supposed to be a mission. I had no idea what was going on during classes for the last two weeks. I hoped we wouldn't get minus points this time.
"I'm not sure," I admitted to her.
"I think one of them is after the last break," she looked a bit worried for me.
"How bad could it go?" I wondered.
When Daniel revealed the results on the board, all my new classmates turned to stare at Henry and me. In my perspective, it wasn't that bad for not knowing anything on the test. I managed to pass one subject while sadly failing the rest. It was only -200,000 points. I didn't have to pay for food with my points anyways. While my dorm room could possibly change, it would merely be for two weeks. Sleeping on hay wasn't bad if you knew how to rearrange them properly.
"I think you'll have to move again," Daniel pitied Henry.
"Rika!!!!! How could you not study at all?" Henry trembled with anger.
"I'll let you in on some tips on sleeping in the basement," I stepped a few steps backwards.
"You'll have more chances in the last round of tests tomorrow and the day after," Cillian tried to console him.
"Luke has some workbooks he packed for her in case something like this would happen," he left out the part we didn't go through any of them.
"I'll study with Rika," Shelly volunteered so he would leave me alone.
"You better," Henry stomped out of the classroom with Cillian.
I sighed since it looked like I wouldn't be going to the club room today. Maybe it wasn't bad to go to the café once in a while. Even if I studied, there was no way I was going to catch up for tomorrow's round of tests. Shelly shot me a quick look, asking if we should go to the café together. I smiled at her knowing exactly what I was going to do. Shelly knew from all the struggles that Luke and I went through, it was already hopeless.
"It feels nice to drink some milkshake again," Shelly stirred her straw.
"I think I'll spend some time here for the rest of the week," I sighed.
"You don't have to move your stuff today?" She asked when it was getting late.
"Daniel warned us if we gathered more minus points tomorrow, we would have to move," I let her know the only reason why Henry was still sane.
The next day, our new classmates were stunned when I had failed all my subjects to the point that I had some zeros on them. This made everything balance out to -500,000 points, which was definitely not recoverable unless a miracle happened tomorrow. Unfortunately, none of the tests had any matching or multiple choice this time. Long answer questions were definitely one of my weaknesses. Henry couldn't lift his head from his desk from embarrassment as Cillian tried to console him.
"Can you show me where those workbooks are?" Henry gritted his teeth.
"I can show you how Luke organized everything," Cillian nodded.
"I'm going to the library," I tried to run.
"You're not going to the library without me," Henry's eyes blazed with anger.
"Follow me if you don't want to die," he warned me.
"The basement is only for people who possess at least -400,000 points. I think you guys will have to move all your things outside," Daniel tried to reveal as nicely as he could.
Camping wasn't a bad idea. But it seemed that the school wouldn't provide us with any tents. Thankfully, I had some leftover camping supplies from a little more than a semester ago. I smiled since camping outside would be more comfortable than sleeping in the basement. We just needed to find a good place to set them up. Meanwhile Henry was shocked by the school's cold treatment towards the people who had minus points.
I sprinted to my dorm room to quickly gather all of my stuff before Henry unfroze from his seat. It was better to be separated from him, setting the tents for me alone. Placing everything inside my inventory, I looked for a good place in the courtyard. Noticing the barrier a bit weak separating the high school and middle school section at this area, I decided this was the best place, covered by the tall hedges.
I could quickly escape to the high school section with my tents if anything went wrong. When my marble vibrated, I accepted the voice call from Shelly. I adjusted my setting to the lowest volume to listen to what she had to say, "Henry is looking for you. I think he lost it. You should quickly hide since he already noticed that you took your stuff with you."
"Is he near the courtyard?" I whispered.
"He's going there now," she lowered her voice.
"Can you distract him while I run?" I finished setting up my small tent.
"Cillian tried to stop him. Henry isn't listening to anyone anymore," she feared for me.