Again? (4)

"She really caught up to everything we're learning in class," Alex was stunned.

I had finished six more workbooks during the breaks. Taking advantage of how desperate I was to hide from Henry, Luke tried to see when I would finally give up. Surprisingly, I focused on everything he said, absorbing as much as I could while working hard to fix my mistakes. Normally, it would take me an entire month to finish one workbook, but my brain was working better with the adrenaline flowing in.

Not taking a single break, Luke and Alex took turns when going through all their notes with me. Although it was unfortunate that the tests were over for the period I was paired with Henry, I wouldn't receive any minus points with Luke. Meanwhile, Sienna brought some food from the cafeteria since she knew I wouldn't be able to go there anymore. I didn't mind when Luke decided my meals for me. He was the one providing my safe haven.

Luke was in a great mood, not experiencing this ever since we left kindergarten. Going to class after the evening break ended, I realized that I started to understand what a few of the teachers were saying during the lecture. The teachers were shocked, finding me writing down notes for the first time, following their lesson. One of them even cried, answering every one of my questions when I didn't understand anything, starting from the fundamentals.

Escaping back into my old dorm room, both Luke and Alex were shocked when I showed them my notes. I didn't realize how nice it would feel to know what was going on during class. Time definitely went faster as I concentrated on their lessons. Opening another workbook, Luke looked like he was touched from all the effort I was putting in. Sienna also joined the study session, making the four of us create a study group together.

"Rika is really trying her best," Alex covered for me once the break ended the next day.

"It's already too late!" Henry snapped.

"I have never seen Rika write notes in her notebook before," the teacher agreed with Alex.

"She even asks questions during class!" The teacher's eyes welled with tears.

"She does?" Luke couldn't hide his happiness.

"You should let her go," Alex gestured to Henry to leave their classroom.

"Let's go," Cillian had to drag Henry out with all his strength.

Listening to everything that both Alex and Luke ordered me, the more time we spent together, the nicer they treated me. No longer did Luke scold or lecture me. He smiled all the time while giving me another piece of dessert whenever I got an answer correct. Both of them didn't mind that I was taking their time away from doing more fraction work. I was working further than what the teachers currently taught.

With Luke increasing the sound-proof barrier while Henry pounded on the door, I continued to work on more workbooks. I knew these days would someday end since Cillian was having a harder time holding Henry back with each passing day. Even all the teachers were on my side, giving me a chance to escape while dragging their conversations with Henry. This made Henry even angrier with no one taking his side.

"Rika, Henry is considering exposing the club room to Luke," Shelly warned me through a message.

I dropped my pen, showing my message to Sienna. I was dead if he revealed the existence of the club room. Sienna gasped, feeling greatly betrayed by his actions. He was pulling everyone down with him. Both Luke and Alex wouldn't be so generous anymore, turning into an existence worse than Henry. It was hard to get rid of all the crazy fans that had fainted with nosebleeds around them. I had to create another volume to warn them they would eventually reveal the existence of the book to Alex and Luke this way.

"I don't know what to do," I trembled.

"I think you'll have to meet with Henry and beg him for his forgiveness," Sienna pitied me.

"The rest of us can help in holding him back while you beg him," she tried to comfort me.

"Send him a message that I'll meet him during the next break," I was about to cry.

While kneeling down on the ground, Cillian held both of Henry's arms to prevent him from coming closer. Delia had to help Cillian since Henry's strength increased whenever he looked at my face, blaming me for everything. We were quickly attracting attention as more people watched us from metres away.

"You can rip my clothes or even pull my hair. If hitting me once or twice will resolve your anger, that's an option too," I begged him to forgive me.

"You think one or two hits will solve everything?" Henry yelled.

"Maybe a bit more as long as you don't hit me too hard," I needed the club room to stay as a secret.

"Drowning me is an option too as long as you make sure I'm not close to dying afterwards," I offered when he was considering my list of options.

"He's really thinking of hitting her," one of the people in the crowd gasped.

"I think he's considering both the drowning and the hits," her friend guessed the most likely answer.

My eyes widened when I noticed both Alex and Luke were inside the crowd, watching us. They coldly waited for Henry's answer, wondering what he would dare pick.