Again? (9)

There were no chances in the morning to escape from the bedroom. When I was about to step out of the bed, Luke would instantly glance up from his documents. Turning his head towards me to gesture to step into the bed again. Sulking from being confined to the bed, I was excited when Sienna visited in the morning, even if she only stayed for a short time. My eyes sparkled as I wanted to know what happened after I was taken from the infirmary.

"Did you bring anything? Can you tell me what's been happening outside of this room?" I wanted to hear something interesting.

"Nothing much happened," Sienna seemed to be wary under Luke's eyes.

"Nothing?" I pouted, not believing her.

Sienna shot me a look that Luke was still close enough to listen to everything, standing nearby the doorframe. I sighed, gesturing to her to come closer so I could whisper everything into her ear to have a proper conversation. Looking at how far Luke was to give us some space, I knew from experience that he wouldn't be able to hear anything if I did this. Seeing that I couldn't escape from this room on my own, I needed some help. A plan was quickly formed inside my head as I had forgotten Sienna was using my bedroom connected to Luke's room.

"I have a plan to escape from this room," I whispered into her ear.

"How?" Sienna's eyes widened.

"I'm going to jump out of the window. Once I escape this room, I'm going to Henry and ask him to bring me outside of school," I lowered my voice, making sure no one would hear.

"Can you help me open the door on your end during the night?" I had a rope ready hanging from my window.

"I don't know," Sienna was slightly hesitant.

With Luke walking towards us, wondering why we were so quiet, it was a signal for her to leave. Puffing my cheeks, it made me think that sleeping outside without the tents would be better than being inside this room all the time. I wasn't even his partner this week and it was worse than when I was partnered with him. Gripping my blanket, Delia's efforts seemed to be going all to waste. Whenever Luke would step out of the room, someone looking for him, Alex took his place. Sitting in the exact same chair, doing the same things.

"My weekend is almost gone," I sadly mumbled, rolling around the bed while hugging a pillow.

"Can I see what you're reading?" I attempted to peek at his documents when he ignored me.

"Get back into the bed Rika," Luke noticed me leaning away from it.

"Why am I here anyways? Aren't I supposed to be sleeping outside with Henry?" I wondered if everyone was still blaming him.

"I talked to the teachers about cancelling this mission. You'll have to wait until I sort everything out," he seemed disgusted with Henry.

I stiffened, not wanting my chance of going out of the school to be gone. I didn't want to stay inside this room while Luke negotiated with the teachers. Giving up in the daytime, my eyes were filled with determination to carry out my plan tonight. Hopefully, the door to my bedroom wouldn't be locked with Luke's habit of entering freely in and out of my room all the time. I knew the time when Luke would be deeply asleep since he strictly stuck to his schedule.

Opening my eyes in the middle of the night, I lifted my side of the blanket ever so slightly. Luke was a light sleeper, waking up from the faintest sounds. This was why I didn't like sleeping on the same bed as him. It would be harder to sneak out of the room in the middle of the night, more than being in the same room together. Rolling to the furthest part of the bed, I almost gasped when his hand suddenly grabbed onto my arm.

"Go back to sleep Rika," he tiredly mumbled.

How? Wasn't he supposed to be sleeping during this time? When I rolled closer towards him, pretending I was still asleep, he finally let my arm go. Maybe rolling made too many sounds, I needed to find a quieter way to get away unnoticed. Unfortunately, the only option left was to teleport in very small distances, bit by bit before I tiptoed out of this room. This was riskier than the rolling, the mana levels rising in the air that could be easily detectable.

But I was hopeful that he would be too tired to notice. Silently chanting to move a few centimeters from my spot, I smiled when it succeeded without Luke moving. In the middle of chanting again to move a tiny bit further, Luke opened his arms to pull me into a hug. I stiffened, knowing he would instantly be able to tell if I moved again when I wasn't in the right place anymore. How did he have countermeasures for everything?

"You're too warm," I complained, trying to break free from his arms.

"I want a colder place to sleep," I was starting to get sick of this.

"Let me check the temperature in this room," Luke rose to sit on the bed, letting go of me.

I looked down at the blankets, losing all hope in escaping tonight with him already being awake. Adjusting the settings inside his bedroom, he waited for me to lay down again. Why did this king-sized bed seem so small these days?