Employee (5)

"How is it like when you're the one confined for once?" I smirked while checking the security in the room.

"Just wait when we manage to get out of this room Rika. I'll make sure you won't leave the mansion during the holidays," Lucius warned me.

"That's if you can escape," I shrugged while locking the door behind me.

Skipping to my room, it was nice when you were the captor, on the opposite end, watching other people suffer. I had so much freedom here, compared to my life at school or inside one of their mansions. I could eat whatever and whenever I wanted, wear anything from buying a decent set of loose clothes with my advance salary and do anything I wanted before I clocked into work. Smiling while unlocking the room to begin my workday, I found the three of them still inside the room.

"Oh, you're still here," I pretended to be shocked.

From having a tremendous amount of experience in trying to escape, I thoroughly blocked off all the routes. The only person who was better than me at this was sadly Luke, who was almost impossible to escape from. I didn't pity any of them, I suffered under them enough. Waving my hand to pull out all the screens to start my day, I looked over the security one last time.

"We didn't educate her enough," Lucius apologized to Ben and Claire.

"She's still young," Claire accepted his apology.

"Respect your seniors! If you include my current age and my age from my former life, I'm thirty years old," I found them taking me too lightly.

"And you're like um eighteen? That makes me twelve years older than you," I coldly stared at them in hopes to intimidate them.

"Maybe the poison is starting to kick in now," Ben whispered into Claire's ear.

Turning away from them, I decided to watch an action film that I brought with me. My eyes were glued to the screen as I didn't realize how good the plotline was here. There was always something happening to the character, whether it was his love stuff or fighting to win the war. Since there were five movies in this series, I binge watched everything, wondering how the protagonist was so cool. He was the definition of a cheat character, defeating everything in one slash or spell.

"You're still here?" I forgot about the people behind me.

"That series has a sequel," Ben pointed out.

"Really? I guess I'll borrow more then," I happily hummed.

"But isn't it time for your lunch?" Claire noticed the time.

"I can skip it! I can eat more popcorn and soda while watching the movie," I was living my life the way I wanted.

"Rika? You're not going for lunch? I can take your place," my colleague opened the door.

"I made sure none of them would be able to escape!" I showed him how I increased the prevention measures.

"I'll talk to my superior about having you promoted," he patted my head.

"Will my salary increase?" My eyes glittered.

"It will," he chuckled.

"And I also brought some meals for our hostages," he brought out the trays.

"Why? We can starve them for several days and they won't die," I pointed out they could use that chance to escape.

"We need them in a good condition so we can fetch a higher price for their ransom," he explained.

"But the food is too good to waste on some hostages," I looked at the box of chicken wings.

"Don't you have any pet food?" I suggested.

"Pet food?" My colleague wondered.

"You know like dog food from the third district," I pushed my idea forward.

"I don't think we have that with us," he frowned.

"Well, you don't have to give them a box with a fork and a knife. You can just throw the food on the ground for them to eat. If they're really hungry, they'll eat it," I came up with another alternative.

"It'll make the floors messy," he disagreed.

"Does it matter? We're not using the room anyways," I wanted my revenge.

"I guess," he chanted a spell to drop the chicken wings on the floor inside the other room.

Leaving the room to switch places so I could take my lunch break, I borrowed more movies from the company library. When I came back to watch over the hostages, I found the chicken wings still on the same place on the ground. I guessed they weren't that hungry seeing that they didn't eat the food. Checking my company inbox before I decided to watch another movie, I smiled when my promotion was approved.

"That's your only meal for today," I made sure my colleagues wouldn't give them more food.

"We'll make sure to re-educate her from the beginning," Lucius apologized to the others again.

"I'm never going back to the Roselia family again," I was never going to leave this place out of my own free will.

"You would think she ran away from home," Ben commented.

"She does look like she's enjoying herself here," Claire agreed.

"That's right! This place is way better than any of your mansions. Do you know how many vacation days this company gives per year? The pay is also high compared to working a part-time job somewhere else. And all the benefits from being able to freely use their recreation centres," I praised the organization.