Hearing Rika's screams getting worse as the nights passed, I couldn't help but worry for her. Luke tried to console her, telling her that he was here to help when she begged for someone to save her. His trembling voice showed how he was close to breaking down as more time passed, repeating the same words over and over again. Alex joined in whenever I couldn't hear Luke's voice anymore, softening his voice towards her, saying that she'll get better soon.
Although all of us started to ignore Henry ever since he hit Rika, he needed to know what was happening. Calling him for the first time in days, the first words he said when he picked up the call was, "I didn't hit her!"
"I don't believe you," I let him listen to all of Rika's cries.
"Why is she so sick?" Henry could hear everything on his end.
"Rika has been like this for days. Say that you didn't hit her, wouldn't everything still be your fault since she was with you when she got injured?" I whispered.
"I didn't think it would last this long," his voice was filled with guilt.
When Rika loudly shrieked, interrupting our conversation, I could hear hints of panic in Luke's voice, "you're going to be fine Rika. Take deeper breaths. Alex and I are with you. Just bear through this a little bit more."
"You should apologize to Luke!" I knew how exhausted he was.
Luke appeared like he was almost dying during class, struggling to pay attention. But he tried to push all his worries away, listening attentively to the teachers until he teleported out of the room as soon as break started. He was pale from not getting enough sleep, looking over Rika for the entire night. While he still politely greeted me in the mornings, trying to pretend nothing was wrong, his gaze always landed on his bedroom door.
Alex was nearly the same as Luke, tired from helping him take care of Rika. I didn't think the three of them would be this close. It was the same during the time Rika got infected by a monster. While we all wanted to help, we felt like we were getting a bit excluded when we weren't able to visit Rika. I knew that Luke didn't fully trust any of us since he always tried to maintain his perfect mask around us.
"He won't accept my apology either way," Henry was too scared to talk to Luke.
"He accepted Cillian's apology when Rika was kidnapped under his watch," I pointed out.
"I'll try," he flinched each time Rika screamed like she was dying.
Days passed as Delia had unfortunately called me in the middle of the night, wondering why Alex was sneaking out of the dorms. Hearing Rika's cries for help, she noticed that Alex was helping Luke in taking care of her when she heard his voice, trying to comfort her. Everything was starting to click inside her head, the reason why Alex looked more irritated and sensitive lately. Most of his patience was being used up on Rika.
This made her start pressuring Henry to apologize to Luke and Alex instead of continuing to ignore him. When Delia told Cillian what was happening, he didn't seem too surprised, having some experience from living with Rika for two weeks. Cillian joined in to pressure him with us, "once Rika gets sick, she gets extremely sick to the point her life can get threatened. Luke works extremely hard to recover her health."
"It's not easy taking care of Rika. I had to give up on sleep for two nights when Luke gave her an antibiotic," he sadly recalled.
"I'm just waiting for the right timing," Henry was starting to give into us.
But instead of getting a call from him that he apologized to Luke and Alex, his voice was full of panic mixed in with some fear. His eyes were full of shock as he tried to describe what happened, "Rika got kidnapped again."
"What? Rika got kidnapped again?" I accidentally shouted inside my bedroom.
"They're never going to forgive me," he hung his head down.
Ending the call when someone knocked on my door, I opened the door to let Luke and Alex inside. I sighed, knowing that they heard about her kidnapping from my voice. Henry was right, they were never going to forgive him with how furious both of them looked. All of their hard efforts in nursing Rika back to health were being erased from Henry's careless mistake. For the first time, Luke didn't look like he was in his right mind, trembling uncontrollably.
"Where's Rika?" Luke tried to reel in his anger.
"She got kidnapped in front of Henry's eyes," I wasn't going to cover for him.
"First he almost hits her to death and now he gets her kidnapped?" He couldn't believe his own words.
"Where is he?" Alex was still sane.
"Near the school gates," I recalled from the scenery.
Following them in chasing Henry down, I found him trembling in fear once they found him. With Luke staring at the place that Rika was taken, Alex yelled at Henry in his place, "are you even human? We let you go when you hit her and now you let her get kidnapped?"
"I didn't have a choice. They placed a dagger against her neck. They threatened me that they would kill her if I came any closer to them," Henry shrank under their furious eyes.