"The person in first place is Rika," the chairman surprised everyone.
"How could this little girl be in first place?" One of the candidates complained.
"She's a new employee!" Another one of them added.
"Please explain to us how you made her first place," a candidate waited for the chairman to answer their questions.
"Sure. Remember this question? How would you escape from a situation if someone kidnapped you and confined you to a room?" The chairman started off.
"My answer was to contact some subordinates while the kidnapper is gone," a candidate raised his hand.
"Mine was similar too. I would try using some spells if there wasn't an anti-mana barrier. Otherwise I would try to threaten the kidnapper into listening to me," another candidate told everyone his answer.
Everyone agreed with their answers inside the room, writing similar answers as them. Meanwhile I wondered why all these criminals were so stupid. I guessed not many of them had the actual experience of trying to escape from something before.
"Her answer was this. I would pretend to have given up and constantly look around the room for any escape routes. If the kidnapper looked weak, I would knock them out so they wouldn't be able to wake up for days if they didn't restrain my mana. If my mana was restrained while they physically looked weak, I would beat them up. If my kidnapper was strong, I would try to flatter them into giving me more information about the situation. It would be better if they were stupid so I could trick them into letting me out. But if I knew my kidnapper, I would poke all their weaknesses until they begged me to stop so I could get my revenge. After escaping, I would make sure to blow up the building with a spell. With the information I got from them, I would chase down all their weaknesses to use as hostages," the chairman summarized my answer.
"Her answer was really detailed," one of my rivals commented.
"Look at all the brutal ideas she came up with," a candidate looked at my answer displayed on the screen.
"How could she make her new hostages eat animal food? This is worse than how we treat our hostages!" one of them looked surprised.
"She even makes her hostages fight against each other over the food she threw on the ground!" another rival pointed out.
"She even wrote that she would feed them poison in the basement while whipping them whenever they were conscious in an anti-mana barrier," a person gasped.
"No wonder the hostages she's looking over readily gives her all the information they possess," the executive shuddered.
"Oh please, stop with the flattering. My other answers are better than this," I wrote all the scenes I had read from light novels and manga.
"She deserves first place," they looked at me in a new light.
Ignoring everyone maintaining a certain distance away from me, I walked into the next room. There were multiple lab benches with two candidates sitting on each one. Inside the test tubes were glimmering liquids in different colours. With a tray in front of each seat I wondered what they wanted us to do.
"Everyone should know the new chairperson should have a certain level of tolerance to poison and drugs. You just need to drink all of them. If you go to the infirmary, you will be automatically eliminated while we give you the antidotes," the chairman explained the rules.
Smelling each of the tubes, I almost gasped when I realized they smelled like the bottles of soda I usually drank. Maybe the chairman was lying to make the candidates give up on their own. Pushing down my fear, I chugged the tube to discover that it was just more soda. I smiled as I wondered what other flavours of soda they poured in the rest of the tubes. By the time I was finished, I licked the remaining drink around my lips.
But strangely, there were only three people who remained inside the room other than me. I wondered why most of the candidates couldn't push their fear down like I did. The only remaining round was the fighting. Feeling more confident from surviving from the other rounds, I waited for the chairman to explain the rules again. Studying my rivals, they didn't look strong as the a-class monsters I fought before.
"The rules are simple. Everyone will be ranked based on when they fall unconscious," the chairman gestured we could start.
Grinning while thinking of using a disintegration spell, I began chanting while raising my arm. From using the spell two times, I discovered that the spell never targeted the castor. Bright light and extreme darkness mixed together to swirl into a tornado. Trying to suck in everything around them, it split into three to chase after the other candidates. My eyes widened as this spell was different each time I did it. It was like the spell was listening to my wishes of what I desired to happen.
"We're not going to be unconscious. We're going to die!" One of them screamed.
"I withdraw! I withdraw!" A rival dropped out.
"The room is going to collapse!" A candidate gave up on using a barrier.
"You do know how to stop this spell, right?" The chairman turned to me.
"I don't," I shook my head.
"I think if everyone withdraws, it'll stop," I guessed.