What are Friends? (9) - Helena's POV

Not even a day had passed when Delia's engagement with Henry got broken. The school didn't hesitate to expel Henry from the reports Luke wrote with Alex. Turning to study Delia, she didn't seem to think much about losing her partner. She was disgusted with Henry, not wanting to bring him up. Instead, everyone from the neutral fraction pitied Luke with the exception of Cillian, feeling something was a bit wrong.

"Rika looked fine during the break before she disappeared," Alex tried to assure Luke that Rika would still be alive.

"You know how frail her body is," Luke started to worry.

It wasn't the first time Rika got kidnapped. I knew Rika would somehow survive through this like all the other times she managed to escape from extreme levels of danger. I felt no guilt from my actions since I did this for my younger sister. Although my future was predetermined, I didn't want Miele to live the same way. I wanted her to grow up, free to express her opinions, not carefully treading around her partner for her entire life.

If your family didn't possess a similar amount of power to your partner's family, it would become too unbalanced. The reason why the Ellison family chose to immediately break the engagement, pushing for the counsel's approval. They would get no benefit even if they controlled Henry's future. Although this wasn't the case for me, Allan's family was almost finished with planning out my entire life. I shuddered from thinking how they began to list out all the duties I was obligated to follow to taking more of my family businesses from Miele.

All of Allan's cousins looked down on me, chattering amongst themselves whenever I walked past them. Another reason why I envied Rika, the Roselia family barely had any expectations for her. We were in the same situation, but she was treated much better. How bad could it be, always confined inside a large mansion? Although Luke tried to control her life, she was always exposed to the best things, even as a prisoner.

I could barely stand her complaining about how much she suffered under the Roselia family tutors. She didn't know how much money the Roselia family was investing into her, only hiring the best to teach her. Although Alex was mumbling that Luke was spoiling her, he wasn't much better than him. I was surprised when I heard from Shelly that Alex had bought Rika some accessories and clothes at their family reunion.

Meanwhile, Rika was grumbling to us how she wanted to throw out everything inside her closet. Alex took more care of Rika than he paid attention to his own partner. I could sometimes notice Shelly uncomfortably shifting in her seat when she was excluded from the three of them. When Shelly suffered from a light cold, Alex warned her to stay a certain distance away from him so he wouldn't catch it from her.

But he invested all his energy in helping Luke nurse Rika back to health. As soon as Rika got another fever, Alex would dash to watch over her. While Luke took a break, Alex wouldn't hesitate to dirty his hands to lower Rika's burning temperature. Watching Shelly see her own partner closer to Rika than to her, I couldn't possibly like Rika. When I noticed her stepping out of the hover car, still alive from another kidnapping like I had predicted, her eyes burned with anger towards me.

Seeing the necklace around her neck, I realized that Luke was starting to take stricter measures with her. With Alex trying to block me from Rika's line of sight, he stared at me with great disgust. I stiffened when Luke didn't want to look at me in general, feeling like his eyes would get polluted. There was only one reason why they would act like this towards me. My mind went blank as Rika yelled at me to confirm my thoughts, "I can't believe I considered you as my friend this entire time! How could you sell my information to the criminals?"

"Rika, it's a waste of your time to talk to someone like her," Luke didn't want Rika to be even exposed to me.

I trembled in fear as I wondered what was going to happen to me. The Roselia family was merciless towards anyone that touched one of their family members. This was the reason why my parents shivered from what the Roselia family may do to us once they figured out about what we were doing. Receiving a message from my parents, I checked my inbox to find that my engagement with Allan was broken.

I was going to become like Henry. Maybe worse than Henry since they knew that I had framed him. When I met Rika inside the classroom, she was fuelled with revenge in her eyes. Luke struggled to control her as she yelled at me, blaming me for all her sufferings. But since I was going down anyways, I didn't feel like apologizing. Unexpectedly, she tried to flood the entire school, ignoring the teacher.

With her arm dropping down to activate the spell, my eyes widened, waiting for my death. However, Luke managed to quickly chant another spell to make her tornado disappear. Sighing in relief, Daniel wanted us to be separated from each other. While Rika was the one who created this entire mess, I was the one kicked out of the classroom. It wasn't long until I was called into the dean's office, telling me that I was expelled from the school.

Everyone was painting me to be the villain. All I wanted to do was to protect my younger sister and help my family. It must be nice to be Rika, who doesn't ever have to take responsibility for anything. We were never friends from the start. I couldn't be friends with someone like her.