Video (3)

Slightly lifting the blanket, I was wearing my nightgown. I gasped, never realizing how many people were inside his fraction. Luke was the only one sitting down while Julian and Yulian took the lead. Was this why Luke never brought me to his main fraction meetings? It had to be the middle of night, the time where I was always deeply asleep. Ever since Luke had heard from Lucius that all the criminals were racing to kidnap me, not hesitating to try to break into the school, he always made sure I was in his line of sight.

Since all I did was use the club room, go to the classroom and sleep in the dorms, we were together all the time. I rarely visited the café, missing some of the desserts sometimes. But with Luke following me, I couldn't have a comfortable conversation with my friends. I felt more constricted lately, feeling like I had a less sense of privacy. Holding a bigger grudge against the person who exposed the club before she got expelled from the school.

"The meeting is going to end soon," Luke noticed I was awake.

"Why didn't you go alone like usual?" I yawned.

"We still don't know if the barrier is strong enough," he worried about the possibility of the criminals kidnapping me from my dorm room.

"How often do you have these meetings?" I wanted to know when he would take me with him.

"At least once a week," he multitasked between answering me and listening to the conversation with his fraction.

"You're really going to bring me to all your meetings with you?" I wanted to stay inside my comfy bed.

"I'll bring a thicker blanket next time," Luke realized I woke up from the slight breeze.

Being inside four major fractions, he planned to bring me to all their meetings. Since Claire and Yulian gave all the work through encrypted messages, there were no fraction meetings from them. But it wasn't the same for the other three, which probably had at least one meeting per week. I sighed, knowing it would add up to Luke taking me out of my bedroom to a minimum of three times per week.

The barrier was weak towards regulating the temperature these days, focusing on keeping unwanted people out. I wore thicker sweaters when stepping outside the dorm room, not bothering to admire the scenery outside the school gate. I hated the cold rather than looking at the beautiful snow. I wondered why this place was colder than the other areas in the school while slightly shivering.

"It doesn't seem like the meeting will end soon," I could hear the people starting to disagree with each other.

"What's the problem?" I asked to quickly end the meeting.

"We're deciding on the budget, the events we should host and electing the new fraction leader for the next school year," a fraction member answered me.

"And how is the meeting ending soon?" I turned to Luke.

"Go back to sleep Rika," Alex didn't want me to participate in the meeting.

"You think I don't want to go back to sleep? I want to go back to my room and sleep on a comfortable bed instead of freezing out here," I noticed that it was only me who was wearing a thin nightgown.

Everyone else was wearing regular clothes, including Luke. If this continued, I knew there was a possibility that I would start to sleep during class to make up for the lost sleep. Luke pulled out a pair of earmuffs to help with the noise. Placing it over my head, I tried to get more sleep while he tried to heat the blanket with a spell. But I was surprised when I was still in the same place when I woke up from another light breeze coming into my blanket.

"Why isn't this meeting ending?" I felt like it was running for hours.

"It's a bit longer than usual today," Luke agreed with me.

"What do you think about the budget?" A fraction member turned to Luke for his opinions.

"We can decrease the budget for the first event while increasing it for the second one in a proportional amount," Luke resolved the problem.

"We can go onto the last topic now," Yulee agreed with Luke.

My eyes widened as this meant that the meeting was nowhere close to ending. There was no way I could go back to the dorm room on my own, confined inside Luke's arms. Giving up on sleep, I decided to listen to the discussion.

"Our two candidates to become the fraction leaders for the next school year are Alex de Monete with his partner, Michelle Monete Locast and Luke de Impalia Roselia with his partner, Rika de Impalia Roselia," Yulee announced.

"We withdraw from the candidacy!" I shouted, not wanting to be a part of these long meetings.

"Unfortunately, I will have to agree with my partner. We are already a part of four fractions, being a leader for one of them," Luke didn't want more work.

"Candidates cannot withdraw their candidacy and can only be eliminated if not voted," Yulee declined our withdrawal.

"And voting will start today," Julian ended the meeting.

I stiffened when some people had already placed their votes. My world almost came crumbling down when I looked at the screen, more than half of the votes being under our names. Even Luke was a little startled, not expecting him to be this popular inside his main fraction.