"You're being too much! It's just a bunch of photos," I didn't want Alex to move into our dorm room.
Everyone had already checked for more cameras around the dorm room. The windows were completely covered by the blinds, the room protected by multiple barriers. This was why I was surprised to see the person was still able to take more pictures when Sienna opened the temporary fan site. I was annoyed when Luke made me sleep in his bedroom at night, not trusting mine.
However, I wasn't going to let Alex join us on that tiny bed. I couldn't go anywhere without either of them trying to cover me from other people. Class time became harder to endure with the windows completely sealed on top of another barrier. There was also a fingerprint scanner to open the door in the classroom. The club room was the same, the whole place becoming smaller by being surrounded by another set of walls.
"At least bring another bed into the room," I argued when Alex brought his closet into Luke's bedroom.
"Rika, you know Alex is doing this to help protect you," Luke refused my request.
"What could a bunch of photos possibly do?" I clenched my hands into fists.
"Rika!" Luke was on the edge of starting another lecture.
I still didn't understand why they couldn't bring an extra bed in when he was already making the room cramped with more of his things. I wondered if it was better to stay up during the nights rather than using the same space as Alex. I punched the pillow inside my bedroom since I was only allowed to visit the club room during the break. I wasn't allowed to go to the cafeteria anymore as they brought my food for me.
The café was also only accessible during the breaks too. Trying to stay inside my bedroom alone as much as possible, Luke had to drag me into his room when the sky was dark. My head hung towards the floor when I noticed Alex was already sitting on the bed. Wanting to sleep on the edge of the bed, I waited for Luke to sleep beside Alex. But he narrowed his eyes, urging me to sleep in between them.
"Can I sleep on the ground?" I could bring some blankets from my room.
"I'm not even sleepy anyways," I refused to step onto the bed.
"Then we can do another workbook," Luke was about to pull one out from his inventory.
"I was lying," I sat the furthest distance away from Alex as possible.
"Go to sleep Rika," Alex turned to me, closing his book.
I wondered why I had to suffer through this. I closed my eyes so I wouldn't have to see the both of them anymore. But it was hard to get a good quality of sleep during the night, sharing a blanket when I used to have the entire thing to myself. It was too warm from their body heat since I was sleeping in the middle. I opened my eyes again, giving up on sleep. I tried to slip out of the bed by crawling out of the blanket.
However, both Alex and Luke opened their eyes at the same time. Luke opened the blanket to find what I was doing. Why did they have to be such light sleepers? I was almost about to cry since I was near the end of the other side of the bed. I quickly tried to scramble to the other side while I had the chance. But he pulled me back to my original spot, finding myself grabbing onto the air instead of the bed sheets.
"You try sleeping in the middle! Do you know how hot it is? I don't even have control over the blanket!" I crossed my arms.
"I'll adjust the temperature and get separate blankets for us to use," Luke opened a screen.
"There's not enough space for all of us!" I wanted to sleep on my own bed.
"We're already giving you the most space!" Alex pointed out.
"Can't we move some of your things out and attach three of the beds together? I'm even willing to let my room become a storage room," I couldn't let this continue.
"The beds won't fit," Luke calculated the arrangement inside his head.
���How about attaching two of the beds together then?" I pleaded.
I clasped my hands together, pulling out the most pitiful eyes, ready with some tears filling them up. Luke sighed as he decided to go with my request. I waited inside the living room as Luke and Alex moved the furniture to rearrange the room. I smiled when I found the sleeping space double with each of us having our own blankets. This was why I was stunned when I slept vertically on the bed, taking the space of the two beds on my own.
"Your foot was on my leg," Alex already wore his uniform.
"Is this a nightmare?" I wasn't used to seeing him this early in the morning.
Looking at my breakfast on the living room table, I was disappointed. There was the typical fruit toast, yogurts, omelets and porridge. The salad was the only thing edible among them, sadly not sprinkled with sugar. Beside the food was a bottle of a horrible tasting supplement. After taking a bite of the salad and chugging half the bottle, I left the rest untouched. How could they not bring the sugar with them?
"One more bite Rika," Luke gestured to pick one of the plates.