"Where is this person?" Charles found a picture of himself on my fan site.
"You'll get used to it," I shrugged.
"I think you should see this newly posted video," Shelly shuddered while showing me her screen.
The video started off by Luke rising early in the morning, quietly stepping out of the bed to not wake Alex. He quickly went over all the things he needed to pack for the both of us for our morning classes. Knowing that he could be recorded by another video, he used a spell to change into his uniform. After coming back to the dorm room from fetching our breakfast, he placed the plates on the living room table.
"I'll help," Alex came out of the bedroom, still in his pyjamas.
"I'll get Rika ready for school," Luke nodded his head.
Opening my closet, he pulled out my uniform for the day. After placing it on the table, he began to choose the accessories I would wear. Instead of waking me up, he brushed my hair and applied some skincare brands after wiping my face. Checking the time on his watch, he pulled out some packs to place where I frequently complained I didn't have enough strength in. My eyes widened when he used a machine to check my health for the day.
Based on the results, he made me drink some bottles of medicine without me knowing it. I coughed as he made sure I swallowed everything. Going over the results again, he chose my daily supplement to be placed beside my breakfast. Seeing how it was around the time to start shaking me awake, he removed all the packs and chanted a spell to change me into my uniform. I froze, knowing the reason why I was in my uniform when I woke up now.
"Are you still getting Rika ready for school?" Alex opened the door.
"I'm almost done," Luke began to shake me.
"I'll wake her," Alex tried to give Luke the time to eat his breakfast.
I frowned in my sleep as Alex shook me in Luke's place. Glancing at the time on his watch, Alex began to shake me harder. The video fast forward, showing I finally showed signs of waking after thirty minutes of shaking. Since Luke was finished with eating his breakfast, he continued with the shaking. I knew I was bad with waking up in the mornings, but not this bad. Maybe it was because I was getting a lower quality of sleep lately.
Luke gave up and placed me on a chair to begin placing all the accessories on me. By the time he was finished, I opened my eyes, wondering why I wasn't in my bed. I was still half-awake as he dragged me to the couch to eat my breakfast. I didn't know what was going on as he started to spoon feed my supplement for the day. It was from the sour taste that I finally became fully conscious.
"Can you finish the rest of the bottle?" Luke pushed the bottle to me.
"Half," I started to negotiate.
"Then one bite of the yogurt, one spoon of the porridge with the salad finished," Luke chose the amount with the spoon he scooped.
"Fine," I groaned.
After chugging the bottle, I couldn't eat the one bite of the yogurt after finishing the salad and one spoon of porridge. This made Alex pressure me to quickly finish the yogurt as we would be late for class with the amount of time I stalled. Under his fierce glare, I forced myself to eat the yogurt on the spoon he passed to me. The video ended here, something that had happened two days before today.
"This person posted our entire morning routine!" I didn't want to read the comments.
Although I discovered what Luke did before waking me up, there wasn't much I could do while I was unconscious. Not able to resist the temptations in reading the comments, I wondered what others thought. Surprisingly, many people praised Luke as the perfect partner that everyone wanted. There were positive comments about Alex mixed in, admiring his close relationship with Luke from how he tried to help him.
But the comments about me were mostly how they wanted to be in my place. While a few people thought of me as cute for refusing to finish the plates, others claimed that I was getting the princess treatment. After watching the video, Charles looked at Luke in a new light. In fact, the gossip in the hallway already replaced the magical girl video with the one showing my morning routine.
"If only my partner was a little like Luke," a person muttered.
"Did your heart pound too when he tried to spoon feed her breakfast to her?" another person admired Luke.
"I liked the part where he added all the accessories onto her hair and personally slipped her bracelets and rings onto her," a person disagreed.
"Rika was so cute when she couldn't wake up," someone changed the topic.
"The part when she finally woke up was the cutest part," another person joined in.
I almost rolled my eyes since they have never seen the Luke that came out when we were alone or with family members. Since he knew a video could be taken, he didn't include his usual morning lectures while I ate my breakfast. Alex also didn't add any threats he always made, choosing to warn me with his subtle glares. There was no arm pulling or wrist grabbing like usual too.