Stalker (10)

"I don't feel hungry," I was dragged to a restaurant afterwards.

"One bite from each plate," Luke wasn't willing to concede before our plates came.

"But it isn't even properly cooked," I picked on my food once it arrived.

"She's right," Charles agreed.

"Let's leave," Lucius paid for the bill while we didn't touch anything.

"Why is everything of such low quality these days?" Alex was disappointed in all the places we visited.

"Excuse me, can we take a picture?" a person interrupted us.

"It really is Rika. Rika, from the fan site!" Her friend couldn't help but get excited.

"Do you know my younger sibling?" Lucius blocked me from their view.

"We follow all the pictures and videos on her fan site every day. There was an exclusive event on the fan site today that gave away the location of where she would be travelling today!" She confessed.

"Unfortunately, we only get the information for a certain time. The fan site master is too cruel! Making us miss the salon visits," she showed us the pictures and videos taken there.

"It's not only one person?" Lucius was stunned.

"Everyone knows the fan site master lets other people post the videos and pictures on the page as long as it's good quality," she revealed.

"We're nothing compared to the other fans. We ask to take pictures while they take them without permission," her friend added.

"Is there anything else going on?" Charles wanted his belongings back.

"There's also an auction that is yet to be announced. Apparently, the fan site master managed to source the things shown on the posts," she recalled.

Why did this remind me of the insane idol culture in my former life but on another level? I didn't think my fans would be so aggressive, soon leaving Lucius from not budging, covering all of us. Since Lucius was only bringing us out for a day, I wondered what would happen once we returned to school. I stepped into the hover car, heading towards the Roselia family mansion.

"I knew it was starting to escalate once they took some of her hair," Charles spat out his disgust toward my fans.

"I can't believe they're selling our things," Alex trembled in anger.

"You should've hidden them in a better place. What if the barrier isn't enough from stealing more?" I got some of my revenge.

My supply of otaku goods was safe, untouched from not going near the room. I had more experience in hiding things than any one of them. Luke squeezed my hand tighter, not wanting more of his collection to vanish. He sent a pitiful look at Lucius to change the location to another place. None of them wanted to visit their own family mansions, making Lucius switch the location to the Suilett family mansion.

"We should sleep in the same room," Alex suggested.

"I'm only sleeping in the same room if each of us have our own bed," I knew there had to be a room that could fit four beds.

"We should sleep in one bed," Charles disagreed with me.

"Do you know how uncomfortable it is to be in the middle? You're only saying that since you're taking the edge," I refused to be cramped on another bed again.

"We'll give you more space Rika," Luke found sleeping in one bed better.

"I'll watch over you guys," Lucius planned on staying up the night.

I knew they were thinking if there was a spell being done on one of us, it was likely another one of us would notice. And it was easier for Lucius to watch all of us gathered in one spot. While Lucius was busy with fortifying the barrier, we started to settle into the provided room. Unfortunately, it was one of the smaller ones, everyone busy with setting up surveillance cameras to help catch the culprit.

"The stalker didn't even do any extreme things yet," I complained while I rolled around the bed while I could.

"Are you serious Rika?" Alex couldn't forget about losing his collection.

"If they had the ability to take our possessions, what is there holding them back from kidnapping one of us?" I always wondered.

The room went silent, knowing I was right. Unfortunately, Luke started to look at me in a new light, most likely thinking along the lines to keep me closer to him while I slept. I puffed my cheeks as the people on the edge decided to sleep towards the centre from my words. I felt suffocated as Luke decided to hug me while he slept. I wondered why they couldn't trust the barrier surrounding the Suilett family mansion.

"And you said you would give me more space?" I found it too warm.

"We're giving you more space around the legs," Alex pointed out.

"I had enough! Give me the edge. I don't need more space!" I tried to rise from my spot.

"If you can't, I'd rather sleep on the floor!" I couldn't move from Luke's tight hug.

"Can you be quiet for once?" Charles was getting annoyed.

"The three of you can sleep on one bed and leave me alone," I was getting frustrated.

"So let me go," I struggled to wiggle out of Luke's grasp.

"Stop kicking my legs!" Alex was confronted with most of my brunt attempts.

"I want out. I'm tired of getting low quality sleep these days. I want to sleep in my own bed again. So what if I get kidnapped again? Didn't I survive through it in the past? And hair is just hair, we repaired everything anyway!" I shouted while kicking the blankets.

"Look at how you jinxed us!" Charles screamed back.