Switch (6) - Alex's POV

"I can't," I found the bottles to be intimidating.

"Rika usually refuses to drink any of them," Luke wanted to take this chance to make her body stronger.

Luke sadly smiled, sending me an apologetic glance for asking for too much. He appeared greatly disappointed when he was full of expectations. I sighed as I gestured to him to pass me the bottle. These drinks weren't edible unless you chugged them at a certain pace. I felt like I was dying as Luke kept on passing me more bottles until he ran out of all the ones in his inventory. I knew he was doing this since I was vomiting most of them, barely receiving any of its effects. I decided to be a little easier on Rika in the future when she refused to drink the entire bottle.

"You should eat now," he gestured to the plates.

I was barely alive when I forced myself to take a bite of the porridge in front of me. I frowned when I found it to be too heavy and not the taste that I was familiar with. Although it didn't taste horrible, it wasn't great either. I decided to move onto the plate of salad, finding it light enough to digest more easily. Rika was picky with her food for a reason, everything tasted different in her body. All the food lost its original taste, turning horrendous before I found a small package of sugar on the table.

I wondered how different it would taste when I added some sugar. While Luke wasn't looking, I sprinkled a tiny amount of sugar over all the food. Taking a bite of the porridge, it was much better than before. Finishing most of the plates, I discovered the dangerous state her body was in. Her body strongly rejected most of the food, making her weaker from eating less. Adding too much sugar to her food wasn't good for her health as well.

"This is pretty dangerous," I warned Luke.

"I know, but it's the best solution so far," he was sadly aware.

"It wasn't this bad before. It got worse when she came from the other dimension," he revealed.

Since I had more energy now, I decided to visit my bedroom. I opened the door, frozen in my spot when I found all my clothes trashed. My eyes widened before I trembled in anger, my precious collection destroyed to no repair. Charles carefully joined us, equally stunned as much as I was. We all knew it was Rika in my body when she claimed to be me. She brightly smiled, appearing extremely happy while she showed no remorse.

"You're going to get sick from all that stress Rika," She sneered at me in my body.

Luke sent me an apologetic gaze, noticing me about to explode. Rika should know that she went over the line. She knew how much my collections meant everything to me. We lived together for more than several weeks. I no longer felt merciful towards her, she could refuse to drink all those bottles, but I would force them into her. I felt bad for Luke, having to be stuck with a partner like her.

"Are you ok?" Charles pitied me.

"I obviously upgraded all my clothes," Rika felt no guilt.

"Maybe I should cut my hair a little with it," she held a pair of scissors.

"Pass me the scissors," I dashed to swipe them from her.

"Why should I?" She was winning due to the difference in our height.

Luke sprinted to swipe the scissors for me with his fast reflexes. In our original bodies, we had a similar height. Rika seemed disappointed, moving onto touching my clothes again. I stiffened when she began to change into one of the trashed clothes. She made me look horrible, the way she coordinated everything. All the colours didn't match while the clothes themselves had turned into rags barely holding together. There was a reason Luke didn't let her choose her own clothes, she had no sense.

Charles' face went red, struggling not to laugh. Rika was going to die once she returned to her body. Luke whispered into my ear to comfort me, "I'm planning on going shopping with her soon. Since Rika hates almost everything inside the stores, you can pick the most painful ones."

I smiled when I thought of all the items that I would pick for her. Luke was right, Rika hated most of the articles in her closet. In fact, she despised them, trying to stay in her nightgown until she couldn't stand Luke's nagging anymore. It was only once I had experienced wearing them for a longer period of time, I understood the reason why she hated them. Most of her clothes felt too tight and constricting. With all the bracelets dangling around her wrists and hair clips in her hair, I had to agree it was a little annoying.

However, she appeared extremely beautiful in the mirror. Her body fascinatingly moved with my every action, seeing how all her clothes were gliding with her. I did think Luke was too obsessed with how her hair was arranged at the salon, but it made sense when watching her from different angles. Luke was getting his revenge in subtle ways and I would do the same. I became determined in joining him in making her appearance as stunning as it could get, knowing how much she would suffer from it.