Former Queen (5)

"More gently!" I shouted.

After reversing everything else, the hair dye, the only permanent part, was being washed out by Luke. I wondered why he was so obsessed with my hair. It's been three hours since the three of them were taking turns in getting rid of the dye. The bathroom was uncomfortable, stuck inside the bathtub. The dark purples were turning into pink while the lighter streaks had already disappeared. My eyebrows felt numb since they started with my face.

"I want out," I started to cry.

"The dye is tougher than I imagined," Charles was impressed.

"I locked the room to where the tools are," Alex walked in to join us.

"Can we take a break?" I was getting hungry.

"I'm almost done Rika," Luke grunted.

By almost done, Luke meant seven more hours. I was filled with happiness when Alex turned off the water, letting me leave the bathtub. Changing my appearance wasn't worth it anymore, out of the bathroom for the first time in twelve hours. When I looked at my reflection, everything was sadly back to normal. The Roselia trademarked features brightly sparkled, almost blinding my eyes. Why did this innocent girl have to be me?

"You will never dye your hair again or think of adjusting the length. You also can't touch any colour changers or enhancers. If you want any minor changes you will have to ask me first," Luke began to dry his hands with a towel

"It's too unfair!" I felt I had no control.

"Do you know how long it took to get the dye out?" Charles argued.

"The new hairstyle looked amazing!" I wanted it back.

"The pure and innocent look is outdated," I tried to point out.

"It matches you the best," Alex supported Luke.

"And there's nothing else to do here anyways. There's no headgears, artifacts to play with and I've already explored the mansion," I began to complain.

"You could study more," Charles suggested.

"I study half the day away!" I almost screamed.

This was worse than school. I never thought I have been taking the club room for granted. Luke combined our extra study sessions and usual class time together. If it wasn't for the time-space function, we would be studying straight for a week without taking a break. I wondered where all the entertainment devices went, being inside a different family mansion. I spent most of my time searching for them until yesterday.

"I want to leave this place," I asked the three of them.

"Do you think you're the only one who wants to leave?" Charles pointed out.

"Two whole months have passed!" I raised my voice.

I knew it was the influence from Charlotte that winter was harsher this year. While we had entered this mansion near the end of December, it was almost the end of February now. I wondered how she was admitted into the school as a student in the first place. What was the school doing? How did their strict requirements degrade this much for the high school section?

"You have the books in the library," Luke recommended.

"Who reads those boring books anyways?" I puffed my cheeks.

However, the boredom was killing me the next day. I found myself in front of the library, convincing myself it would be the perfect chance to increase my repertoire of spells. I was definitely going to win against Charlotte next time. Pulling out almost every book on the shelf, I discovered how everything was arranged. I smiled when I found myself in the section I wanted. The shelves were glimmering with spell books, filled with hints of mana.

Opening one of the books, I found many fire element-based spells. I couldn't believe there was fire tornado, sunrise, gunshot bombs, and apocalypse. These had to have much more impact than the ones I used during the fight. Especially apocalypse, scorching everything in my surroundings to resemble a volcano, the ground dripping with magma. The entire land wouldn't be inhabitable anymore.

These authors were creative, thinking of almost every counterattack from the opposite element. But I would destroy the mansion if I practiced any of them here. I needed to figure out a way to have all my restrictions lifted for a short period of time. I wanted to implement all of these spells on a larger scale, needing an unlimited amount of mana. I also had to study more to get a better visualization on how each of them would work.

I ended up taking a pile of books with me, not everything able to fit inside my inventory. Alex's eyes widened as he watched me holding books about heat and gases. It was the fundamentals for all fire-based spells. I had to know what was happening from the particle level. I was almost out of breath before he carried all the books for me to my bedroom. Seeing this was a good chance, I turned to him, "can you take these to my bedroom? I have to bring more books from the library."

I unloaded all the books in my inventory, excluding the spell books. I didn't have time to wait for his answer. There were many piles in the library that were out in the open. I had to take them with me before the robots placed them back at their proper places. Since the library was the biggest part of the mansion, the number of books I pulled out were nothing.

"Are you actually reading all that?" Charles found me near the entrance of the library.