Melting into Spring (9)

After visiting grandfather's mansion that day, I received one more day of freedom. However, it was undetermined when I would be able to use those days. I was stuck in the mansion again with barely anything to do. Until I came up with an amazing idea from recalling the visit at the amusement park.

"Luke," I tugged on his sleeve.

"Can you buy this for me?" I clasped my hands together.

My eyes twinkled as I showed him the item I wanted. It was a beautiful Victorian doll wearing a splendid dress, filled with frills and ribbons. Its blue eyes were made of glass crystals in combination with porcelain carved features, the hair sparkling into light gold. When I initially found the doll, I was stunned from how realistic it appeared.

Luke stared at the screen, looking a bit confused. I have never shown any interest in dolls before. At the same time, I had never asked him to purchase something for me. He provided everything I could possibly need to the point nothing was lacking. I swiped on the screen to show him the different dolls. I wanted more than one and there wasn't much of a difference between them anyways.

"How old are you to want to play with dolls?" Alex watched our exchange.

"Fourteen," I faced him.

"Will you buy them for me then?" I brought out my pitiful eyes.

"What do you want them for?" Luke found things to be suspicious.

"I want something to cuddle with other than my pillows," I had a plan.

Dolls were always used in horror movies. I could use them on Charles for revenge by making them move around in the night. Everyone noticed how he tightly squeezed Luke's hand whenever the props in the haunted house moved around. If I added to it by riling him to watch some horror movies with me revolving around dolls, it would become more effective. This was why he shouldn't have forced me to wear all the dresses he purchased for the rest of the month.

"One doll if you listen well during the study sessions," Luke gave out the condition.

Since I was fuelled by revenge, I surprised Luke and Alex by doing more than listening to them during the study sessions. I did everything they asked me to do, from following the schedule they created to finishing all the handed supplements. By the end of the week, my eyes brightened when I found the doll I wanted on top of the cabinet beside my bed. It was time to carry out my plan.

I knocked on Charles' door, possessing a horror movie in my hands transferred by Delia. We both loved scary games while Sienna stayed far away from them in the club room. I had to admit that Delia had good taste, reading the reviews that it gave everyone nightmares for weeks. When Charles opened his door, he was close to closing his door again from taking a glance at my face.

"Wait. Are you possibly scared of me?" I smirked.

"What do you mean?" He narrowed his eyes.

"I came to watch a horror movie with you, but since you knew you chickened out," I intentionally provoked him.

"Let's see that movie," Charles had his pride touched.

I brightly smiled as I entered his room. The marble was a very handy tool, allowing you to watch any videos on them. I sat on his bed as I tapped on the screen to start the movie. Surprisingly, Charles didn't seem to be scared, mocking the people for their bad acting. However, he didn't know the main protagonist was the doll in the movie. Thankfully, I had a very similar doll inside my room. By the time the movie was finished, he scoffed at the people who got scared when I showed him the reviews.

"You won't tell Luke and Alex about this later on because you got scared, right?" I needed it to stay a secret.

"I swear on my family name," Charles mocked my thought.

Since I was finished with the first part of my plan, I walked back to my room. I had to sleep early if I wanted to get up in the middle of the night. Although Luke was suspicious that I went to my bedroom right after dinner, he left me alone since he was busy with fraction work. After I set an alarm in my marble, I closed my eyes.

When the marble vibrated in my hands, I instantly rose. This was the time to place a spell on the door and infiltrate it into Charles' room. I discovered many spells from using my dimensional library during the past week to make it seem the doll was haunted. There was a way to stay inside my bedroom while controlling the doll by looking through its eyes. I chanted to teleport the doll into his bedroom, finding him deeply asleep once the doll was placed.

Unexpectedly, he appeared as if he was an angel while he slept. His sleeping face was cute and filled with innocence, showing his young age. I started to focus on the spell, creeping the doll into his bed. I needed to poke him several times to wake him. However, Charles instantly opened his eyes, wondering if there was anything else in his bed. When he spotted the doll in his blankets, his face instantly went pale, not knowing about the recent purchase.

I knew that movie would be effective! After Charles placed the doll outside his room, he trembled in his bed, unable to sleep. Since I couldn't let Luke discover the doll, I whispered to chant another spell to make it return to me. I grinned while stroking the doll's hair, thinking how lovely it appeared today.