"You can help with the documents," Luke gestured to me to come inside.
"Can you reverse the ban on the kitchen, library, pool and the other rooms instead?" I tried to sneak in.
"You can start on this pile," he ignored my request.
"Kristie says Rika wants to do something else!" I wondered if I could mess all the organized documents.
I pouted while walking to my seat when Luke went back to his work. My foot was placed in front of my other leg to intentionally trip on the ground, bumping into a pile of documents. I had to hide my smile when everything toppled on the table like a domino. A pile of papers immediately flew around the room, slowly drifting down onto the floors. I made my eyes well with tears as my head crashed against the carpet.
"Just kick her out of the office," Alex seemed furious.
Everything Alex was working on became disordered. I knew it would take around half a day to reorganize all the documents again. Luke began to lift me into a chair to study my injury from the crash. When several drops of blood began to drip down from my forehead, I was shocked. Alex instantly stopped grumbling as he grimaced from the scratch on my face.
"It's hard to walk around in this room," I had tears streaming down my face.
"We can move some of the documents to another place," Luke sighed.
Charles immediately began to rush through the documents while Luke healed my injury. I started to cry harder when I noticed there was no way Charles could search through the towering piles within a week. It would be even harder with everything he worked on mixed with the ones that weren't touched. We needed another person to help us. Someone Luke was willing to let inside the mansion.
"There's nothing to do in this mansion. Kristie only wanted some people to play with Rika after taking away everything from her," I used the doll.
"I need to reorganize all the documents," Luke separated from me after he healed everything.
"Not even a day?" I tried to seem extremely disappointed.
"Kristie says Rika doesn't have any friends to be with like she does in school. You also don't buy her any dolls or toys. All sources of entertainment have vanished, making Rika feel lonely," I pulled out my most pitiful eyes.
I had to admit I was getting better at acting like a young child. Charles began to get creeped out as I imitated the actress in the movie. It was saddening he was slowly getting used to Kristie since he found a scarier person in her place. But I started to downplay my acting lately since we were allies now. I was hoping Alex would get creeped out as much as Charles, but he never did. He just found the entire thing annoying.
"I can purchase one thing for you," Luke recalled my grades that had improved.
"Kristie says Rika wants to play with real people now," I silently cried in my heart.
This was a great chance to ask something from Luke. However, the document about the storage room came first. As soon as that document came to light, I would be confined to my room. Worst case scenario, everything that used to be inside that room could be gone by the time I returned to school. When I slightly turned my head, Charles' hands never took a break as he pretended to reorganize the documents.
"I can spare an hour," Luke gave in.
I had a plan on how to distract him. I recalled some hand games I used to play in my former life when I was younger. It was hard trying to retrace all the moves as many years had passed by. There was really nothing I could do with Luke other than childish games that didn't need any tools. I pulled him towards my bedroom as I went over the steps inside my head. I really hoped Charles would manage to find the document today.
"This is what I do with Sienna sometimes," I began to teach him the rules.
I never did this with my friends. We were too busy complaining about school or using the artifacts in the club room. Luke awkwardly followed my movements as we lightly touched each other's hands. It was no fun since he wasn't putting much force into his hands, and unexpectedly winning. He quickly adapted to the rules to the point it made me suspect who came up with these games.
"Your hands are going to get red," he stopped after twenty minutes.
"We can do hide-and-seek next," I had a backup plan.
I desperately needed to find better games. I hid under the sofa in one of the many living rooms while Luke started to count down for five minutes. He was definitely going to find me soon with his level of attention to the details. There was no way he would play tag since he didn't like me running around indoors. I would instantly lose in all the other games for the same reasons as well. How was I going to distract him?
"Rika?" Luke entered the living room.
My face went downcast as he instantly checked under the sofa. The search didn't last longer than twenty seconds. It was time for backup plan teatime with Kristie to kick in, but with actual desserts and drinks.