I planned to secretly move out of my room. All I needed to take were my uniforms. I began to transfer a bunch of clothes into my inventory. I opened the window as I pulled out a thick rope I purchased using the club funds. Luke never came to my bedroom this early in the morning, being 4AM. He always woke up around 5AM. I couldn't live with both Luke and Alex for the next three months.
Placing a sound barrier, I started to climb onto the walls to slowly land on the second floor of the building. I was staying with Delia from now on. I couldn't stay with Sienna since Cillian signed a contract with Luke. On the hand, Shelly was Alex's partner, which could give him access to her room. Delia was good at covering for me. If Allan didn't want to die with us, he would keep everything a secret.
I was glad Delia had a window open on the second floor. I swung myself inside and chanted a spell to make the rope return to me while closing the window. I quickly sent a message to Delia to open her door. Thankfully, she had enough points to use a separate bedroom from Allan. Delia yawned as she opened the door, allowing me to tiptoe into her bedroom to get more hours of sleep. Since classes started around seven, I could get more sleep than usual.
Delia had already agreed to get my breakfast for me so I wouldn't have to run into Luke before classes started. She disappeared to teleport to the cafeteria as I flopped onto her bed. I smiled as I soon drifted into sleep on her bed. A few hours later, both of us woke from her marble ringing like an alarm. I rubbed my eyes as I poked her to put it into silent mode.
"Let me check the messages first," Delia groaned.
"Do people usually call you this early in the morning?" I mumbled.
"It's the first time," Delia opened her marble.
"It started," she abruptly rose from laying down.
"What happened?" I rolled towards her.
"Luke is beginning to visit everyone with Alex to search for you," she placed the screen closer to me.
"Already?" I predicted this would happen.
"Let's quickly eat breakfast and teleport to the high school dorms," I had a backup plan.
Oili had offered us his dorm room since he was away with his partner on a mission. Since he gave us his emergency access card, we could enter using the front doors. After stuffing myself with some plates of salad, Delia and I teleported to the high school dorm building. Tapping his access card on the main entrance, we crept into the third floor. I sighed in relief when his door opened, showing how everything was clean.
I had never been inside his dorm room before. I stared at the simplicity of how the room was arranged. There were no couches, but two beds placed against the walls. No decorations were seen, the only other furniture being two closets and a small table. I guessed it was better than being inside a shack, separated from others. I wasn't used to a room looking so empty, the complete opposite of my new dorm room.
"We're in the clear. They gave up after searching my bedroom as the last place," Delia received another message.
"They're going to start the search all over again," I shuddered.
"We should stay here until classes start," I knew how they thought.
"What are you going to do after classes?" Delia worried for me.
"They can't do anything in front of other people. I'm going to use that to my advantage and come back here," I hoped it would work.
My plan was incredibly unstable and risky. I quickly changed into my uniform as I separated from Delia near my classroom. The bell immediately rang after I entered my classroom, the teacher not saying anything since I wasn't late. Since Shelly was a part of my plan, she passed me all my school supplies from the back. Luke couldn't do anything while we were in class. He had to confront me after the classes ended.
"Do you know the answer to this question?" A teacher pointed at the board.
"The answer is 1080 decimal points," I had a spell on my notebook.
Shelly wrote all the answers to the questions the teachers asked. Although the teachers were suspicious, they couldn't do anything since I was paying attention. My notebook was supposedly filled with the class material, but actually plans on how to run away. The teachers were surprised from how diligently I was writing things down since I usually looked outside the window. After the morning classes finished, I instantly stopped the teacher, "can I ask you some questions based on this section?"
"You can come to my office," the teacher was impressed by Shelly's notes.
Unexpectedly, my understanding of the class material improved as I desperately racked my brains to ask questions during my breaks. I didn't mind if all my breaks were taken, I had time after class to use the new storage room Jules had procured. The club room wasn't a safe place anymore. I abandoned my plan with Delia as I decided to use Oili's room alone. She could get interrogated by Luke and Alex later. Anything was better than continuing to suffer like inside the mansion.