New Roommate (10)

"Fairies wanting their mana back has nothing to do with what happened during that week," I wanted them to know.

"I can't understand you," Luke was confused.

"They did this on purpose," I sighed.

"I don't think she can tell us," Alex pulled out another wet cloth.

"That's why they did this in my dreams," I agreed.

"What mess did you get into Rika?" Luke wiped my face.

"It's unfair," I complained.

"They didn't tell me when this would end," I could feel more of their mana remaining in me.

I pulled out a notebook from my inventory to write everything down. I hoped that they knew how to solve this, scribbling a gist of everything that happened. I passed the notebook to Luke in the language I was most familiar with. Luke's eyes widened, "I've seen this before. This is the most ancient language in the first district. There are not many documents on it. It's the lost language some fairies are known to use."

"You're talking in their language," Luke realized.

"No wonder," I mumbled.

"You switched back," Alex understood me.

"Is there a way to kill fairies while they reverse the process?" I wondered.

"Write them down and I'll try to translate it later," Luke passed me the notebook back.

I nodded my head, writing down all the questions I had. I went further into the details, going into the time when the bright light consumed me in the mansion. But all my efforts were for nothing, Luke watching the words slowly lifting into the air, vanishing into thin air. There was a time limit to everything I had written down about the situation. Since Luke was unfamiliar with the language, he would take a longer time in reading the sentences.

"I'll send a message to our grandparents for the books," Alex started writing.

I was surprised when they immediately sent scanned pages of the books to their marbles. Reading Luke's screen, they had to delete them as soon as they were finished with them. I wondered if I could read the pages, squinting my eyes from the tiny font. However, everything looked like scribbles, not able to comprehend them. I wondered if my writing really appeared like this in their eyes.

"I can't read this," I revealed to them.

"Try talking and see if you can read it," Luke tried to test.

"The five fairies during teatime caused this," I stared closer at the screen.

My eyes went large as everything unscrambled to turn into the language of the first district, the one I used since kindergarten. I could see the alphabet, the sophisticated letters reflecting into my eyes. I nodded my head, indicating I could read it now. As soon as I finished my sentence, my brain flushed to reverse everything back to scribbles. How were they going to translate this? Learning a new language was hard and took a lot of time.

"Write down everything as simple as possible. Try key words," Luke took out a notebook of his own.

I started off with five words, 'fairies, borrowed, mana, payment, reversal.'

"I'll try to decipher the first three words," Luke turned to Alex.

"I'll the other two," Alex was already flipping through the pages.

Unexpectedly, they managed to translate the five words within three hours. I had to write down the same five words over and over again. I smiled since they would be able to get the full picture with another five words. Luke read the results for confirmation, "fairies, lent, mana, price, return."

"The last word is a little off," I hoped they could understand me.

"We don't know what you're saying," Luke wanted me to correct them.

I drew a little 'x' on the last word while checkmarks on the other ones. I wondered if the fairies wouldn't know there would be a loophole through this way. The gatekeeper was much better, not letting me speak about the event in general until he revealed himself to them. However, it took them another five hours to guess the three words out of the other five that I wrote down.

Luke frowned, "dream, contractor, die."

I clapped my hands, confirming their answers. Luke's face twisted into horror, placing together the seven words they managed to translate. Alex was stunned, taking turns staring at the notebook and me. Luke tried to see if his thoughts were right, "you borrowed mana from fairies, and they want you to pay them back by having you as their contractor through your dreams. If you can't pay them back, you're going to die."

"You're almost right," I was impressed.

"Seriously Rika?" Luke understood me.

"How did you manage to borrow mana from fairies?" Alex never heard of it before.

"It was by accident. Everything was forced," I explained.

"Write everything down. We're spending the entire night on this," Luke gave up on sleep.

Luke teleported the three of us to the club room in the middle of the night, wanting to use the time-space function. Time was precious where we didn't know what would happen later. My eyes were drooping as my writing became sloppier from the lack of sleep. Fortunately, they were able to get the gist of the shape. Looking at the setting in the room, around three days had passed inside while a few hours outside.

"You can't tell others about this," a fairy brought me back to having tea with them.