Contractor (2)

"Nothing grandfather?" Alex was stunned.

"This isn't any language we're familiar with. It's more ancient than the ones in the documents," Luke's grandfather explained.

"Come here to us Rika," he gestured to me.

I nodded my head, walking towards him. Luke's grandfather on his mother's side was gorgeous, resembling the fairies I had teatime with. His golden blond hair sparkled under the sunlight while his wise eyes were similar to Jules. It was a shame Luke resembled his father more than his mother. Although the members of the Roselia family appeared enchanting, they were lacking compared to the Pelargonium family.

"You have fairy mana in you. You borrowed a large amount," He was able to determine.

"This can't only be from one fairy," he hit the mark.

I gave him my hand, indicating five fairies. Luke's grandfather couldn't close his mouth, wondering if it was the truth. I hoped he had a better solution to this than Luke. He was much older, meaning he had to have more experience in this. If only he knew the borrowed amount had decreased to half of its original amount. I was never going to wish for more mana again, feeling like I was scammed.

"You're not dealing with regular fairies. They should be older and more powerful than the rest. Not all fairies have the luxury to share mana with others," Luke's grandfather seemed to be stumped.

However, these fairies didn't know there could be another loophole. Luke noticed hand gestures seemed to work after I used my hand. He began to give a runover on everything he knew to his grandfather, Alex joining him to help. Luke's grandfather stared at them for a long time, the explaining already done multiple times. He turned to me with his face plastered in horror, making Luke wonder if the situation was bad as he was making it seem to be.

"We should pull you out of school for the remainder of the week. I'm going to have to teach you how to deal with fairies. We have to be very cautious about this situation," he mumbled.

"They're not that bad. I've been close to fairies ever since middle school started. I have portals to go to their dimension and travelled back and forth several times. I know how to negotiate with them," I wondered if it helped.

"You travelled back and forth?" He was surprised.

"I have portals. I even have their money," I noticed Luke's grandfather on his father's side didn't tell anyone else.

"How much money do you have? You may be able to pay them to leave you alone," he had more knowledge than others.

"Tens of thousands of Memors in each element," I roughly recalled.

"How are you so rich?" He was stunned.

"The Roselia family is very wealthy," I shrugged.

"If you give me more money, I can try to exchange them like before," I hoped I could lure the fairies with money.

"How much do you need?" He was willing to transfer more into my bank account.

"I don't know how much I possess right now," I turned to Luke.

"You have around five hundred million Aris," Luke checked our bank accounts.

"Give me another five hundred million Aris," I thought the more the better.

"I can give you double," Luke's grandfather began to tap his screen.

I began to pour my mana into my wrist, trying to make the bracelet appear again. Tapping on my wrist to summon the portal, the mana levels greatly rose in the air. I had a plan in threatening the gatekeeper to agree to me. A tiny hole began to swirl open in front of me, the gatekeeper's annoyed face coming out almost immediately. I was glad he came sooner than I thought he would.

"Are you that free?" I wondered.

"What do you want?" The gatekeeper knew I did it to summon him.

"You know five fairies are after me to get their borrowed mana back. I want to exchange my Aris into Memors to pay them to abandon their thoughts of becoming my contractor," I explained.

"They're my superiors. You'll need an extraordinary amount of money to bribe them. If you give me some commission, I can do the transaction for you," he wanted something out of it.

"What are the exchange rates?" I was loaded with money.

"600 Aris for each element, it includes the commission," he waited for me.

"Is 1.5 billion Aris enough?" I could ask for more.

"You have more money than before," he was surprised.

"I'm surrounded by wealthy people," I never lacked money.

"Is it possible for you to exchange Aris for us as well?" Luke's grandfather tried to join in.

"This girl is the exception. Only contractors can do them. I'm doing this since I'm almost considered to be her guardian," the gatekeeper revealed.

"If you want Memors, ask her to transfer them to you. It can be done," he gestured to me to place my wrist closer to him.

"Rika, be extremely careful with this money. I'm handing you around fifty billion Aris," Luke's grandfather turned to me.

"Wait. I'm not doing this for free. I want something in exchange," I noticed his desperate eyes.

"May we wait for other family members to come? My other grandparents want to join," Luke interrupted us.

"I'll also message my grandparents," Alex knew it was a good opportunity.