"They're breaking their promise in giving me more freedom. They plan to confine me again," I complained.
"Aren't you being too lenient on this mannerless child? You're spoiling her," Micah scolded Logan.
"Aren't you supposed to be on my side?" I felt betrayed.
"Why should I? I'm suffering equally as much as you are," he was cold towards me.
"Go back. I don't need you anymore," I was disappointed in him.
"After the reversal is finished, you're never getting any mana," I gestured to him to leave.
"Our negotiations will start after the reversal is finished," he closed the portal, going inside.
"How about you give us an explanation Rika?" Logan scarily faced me.
"I don't need to. Why should I? I tried to give you one and then you went back on your promise," I hated Luke's family.
I had tried really hard to convince the fairies to give up on their own. Speeding the process meant I would be able to suffer less in the future. It was one of the better choices, trying to get the reversal over with where I had the best medical equipment and healers. They had no right to get mad at me when they weren't the ones in my place. I didn't want to continue feeling like I would die in school.
"That fairy should be her contractor," Elliot turned to Logan.
"Micah is not my contractor. We had an agreement together," I crossed my arms.
"Micah, come back, you're explaining everything," I didn't want to make a blunder.
Instead of coming through another portal, Micah suddenly appeared in front of us. I wondered if he never truly left, watching us the entire time. Unfortunately, his patience appeared to be slowly snapping, slightly glaring at me. However, he went with my command, explaining to everyone, "I am not her contractor, we had an equal agreement together. Is there anything else you perhaps need from me?"
"I am a busy fairy," he icily faced them.
"Can you perhaps go into more details of your agreement together?" Logan knew he would be more reliable.
"Please give me all the evidence that you are her main guardian. Agreements made by children under the age of sixteen have the right to be monitored by their main guardians only," he held out his hand.
"Here are the documentations," Logan instantly pulled out of his inventory.
My jaw almost dropped, staring at all the information about me recorded under their family files. From the reports about my health to my current performance in school. There was nothing that they didn't know about me. Some pictures from my younger days were attached to the past reports, showing they have been doing this for a long time. Surprisingly, my parents were listed as my backup guardians, last in line after everyone in Luke's family was busy to contact.
"Are these copies? I need a copy of everything you possess. I am her guardian in the fairy world," Micah revealed.
"This is everything from the past five years. I will have to visit my office to get the older ones starting from fourteen years ago," Logan teleported out of the room.
"You never said this was a part of the agreement," I turned to Micah.
"It's your fault for not asking. I wouldn't have to take the role of your guardian, if you chose me as your contractor," he shrugged.
"Agreements can only be made with children," he explained.
"Where do you want me to transfer all the files?" Logan returned.
"Please place them into this bag," Micah took out a wooden suitcase.
"Isn't this a violation of privacy?" I watched the skyrocket number of documents being placed inside.
"Here are the documentations about the agreement in exchange," Micah ignored me to pass them to Logan.
I was shocked to figure out the agreement amounted to thousands of pages. I thought everything was verbal, not expecting him to be this prepared. Micah was very intent on having me as his contractor. I wondered when he had the time to draft everything together. After a brief discussion with Logan, Micah disappeared after fulfilling his role. Maybe I should have refused everything till the very end.
"This agreement isn't bad," Logan quickly skimmed through the file.
"What do you think, Elliot?" He passed him a copy.
"I have never seen something like this before. This is good for a young child, considering that they don't have the ability to decide everything for themselves yet," Elliot agreed.
"See! I've tried hard on the other side to get this agreement. It's better than being a contractor," I wanted my days of freedom back.
"What did you do to get this agreement?" Elliot was impressed.
"I played hand games with the fairies and dug a hole to throw dirt at them. When the hole was deep enough, I pushed one of them inside," I had a hard time avoiding bugs on my end.
The room went silent, everyone turning to stare at me. Only Luke and Alex truly knew what hand games were. Maybe it would be better if I revealed the fairies' weakness. To break the silence, I added, "fairies hate bugs. You can easily convince them to do something when you push them inside a hole filled with bugs."
"It's no wonder they went with this agreement. They thought she wasn't mature enough to handle the normal contract," Logan mumbled.