Contractor (10)

"If you're successful, you can possess the potential for an unlimited amount of mana like your partner," Micah revealed.

"How is this possible?" Logan was surprised.

"Your grandson possesses quite a large amount of his partner's mana. They go along very well to the point one may perfectly substitute for the other. It's possible to integrate them together to change the composition of his own mana under the age of sixteen," he explained.

"It wasn't like this when we tested their compatibility at a younger age," Logan was confused.

"Compatibility can increase when you transfer your mana to others often, especially when done in larger amounts. Mana gets mixed together, changing the composition a little each time," he went into the details.

"Have you done this?" Logan turned to Luke.

"I think it was from using heal often. Rika would transfer me her mana when I ran out of mine since I had better control," Luke recalled.

"If the transfer is done from using heal, it makes sense that their mana is very similar to each other," Micah agreed.

"Is it possible for my grandson to increase his potential as well?" Alex's grandfather wondered.

"It's likely not possible, but I can check," he offered.

Micah gestured to me and Alex to come closer towards him. One of his hands held mine while the other was holding Alex's hand. A tingling feeling went in and out of me, a similar sensation to when I transferred mana with Luke. Micah froze after a few seconds, spinning his head to Alex, "why is there so much of your mana inside her body?"

"I used heal on Rika often," Alex hesitantly revealed.

"Rika would transfer mana to my cousin and then my cousin would transfer some mana to me to help him recover her health," he threw a glance at Luke.

"If you train very extensively, you can increase your potential to what your cousin currently possesses. Your mana composition has changed enough for it to happen. Just how much did your grandchildren use heal?' Micah was astonished.

"We don't use heal that often. It's usually around once a week," I mumbled.

"Your compatibility with each other is second to the boy beside you. You must have exchanged a large amount of mana many times," he murmured.

"In fact, the three of you have very similar mana compositions. Usually, only twins can come close to this," he stared at us.

"How long will it take for my grandchildren to increase their potential?" Elliot joined in.

"With his talent, it wouldn't be surprising if it took less than half a year. While it would take around a year for the other child," Micah turned to Luke before facing Alex.

"However, they'll need to be around her for the duration of the training to make it effective," he let go of our hands.

"I can make arrangements with the school to keep them in the same dorms into high school," Alex's grandfather noted inside his head.

"Shouldn't Alex be with his own partner? I'm not living with him longer than middle school," I couldn't let this development continue.

There was no way I could suffer under two people for an additional year. This would mean Alex would join Luke in following me around. It was worse than the current situation since Alex avoided me as much as I did to him. I clenched my hands into fists since I knew the school would agree with the new arrangements, their families being huge donors. I wondered if I could force Micah back into the fairy world.

"Family should stick together," Alex's grandfather sent a message to the school.

"Say something!" I turned to Alex.

"What do you want me to say?" Alex softly mumbled.

"This arrangement won't work anyways. How about social week? We're in different fractions and this means we'll have different schedules," I tried to reason.

"Can you make the adjustments for the upcoming social week Luke?" Alex's grandfather ignored me.

"I'm the next fraction leader or the current one for all my fractions. It will be very hard to change anything," Luke politely declined.

"Your grandson is impressive. How did he manage to become the fraction leader for every one of them?" Alex's grandfather turned to Logan.

"Can we let Micah leave now? He's a busy fairy," I interrupted them, not wanting the conversation to continue.

"I apologize for taking your time," Logan allowed him to leave.

"I have spared the entire day for today. I can spend the remaining time teaching the children to increase their mana potential in another room," Micah began to pack his documents.

This was how the four of us moved to a large bedroom. I rolled around the bed, bored from watching them follow Micah's instructions. I didn't know why I had to be there with them, not participating in anything. I began to question who was the person that made the agreement with Micah. Unfortunately, Micah was much nicer to Luke and Alex, treating me very coldly compared to them. He complimented them whenever they moved onto the next step.

"I want to leave this room," I rose from the bed.

"You can't stay put for ten minutes?" Micah sighed.

"Teach me a spell too," I wanted to do something.

"You don't have enough control yet. You should work on getting those rings off you first," Micah treated me differently from my dreams.