"This is over the line," Oili commented.
"Is this actually all real?" He turned to Luke and Alex.
"Do you know Rika as much as we do? She's too reckless and needs guidance in many areas," Alex didn't deny the claims.
"It is real," he mumbled.
"This is just the surface to everything," I shrugged when everyone turned to pity me.
"How could there be more?" Ethan slightly trembled.
"Rika, let's have a conversation together," Luke wanted to pull up the walls around his office.
"Is it because nobody mentioned you need permission from Luke to go anywhere? Earlier in middle school, you couldn't visit your parents without him," Shelly added to the claims.
"You also have to follow the strict schedule they set for you everyday when not in school," she finished recalling.
"There's more, but I think I'll get in trouble if it gets out," I sadly smiled.
Almost everything was revealed, only the recent events remaining. Shelly knew more than the others, being partnered with Alex. Our club president was in disbelief, pretending he was invisible while listening to everything. Luke abandoned his usual mask since mostly everything was exposed. I stiffened from noticing the subtle change, hoping it wouldn't drastically change the way he treated me from now on.
"I do this to manage Rika's health and to keep her safe," Luke gestured to me to come to him.
I shook my head, wanting to avoid him. Instead, I hid behind Ethan, the person closest to me. My hands uncontrollably shook, seeing him walk towards me since I wasn't coming to him. Last night was terrible, being lectured for hours like there wasn't an end. Suffering under two people made it worse, continuing when the other took a break. I didn't want this to happen in the open. Ethan frowned from noticing my eyes full of fear, reflecting with desperate pleads for help.
Tears started to well in my eyes, soon finding myself in the air. Before Ethan could react, Luke quickly pulled me up to carry me in his arms. It was unfortunate that yesterday's scene was repeating again with the addition of new audience members. I began to sniffle, tears streaming down from my face. I didn't bother struggling this time, knowing it would be useless. All the people in this room already pitied me.
"We can study together for the remainder of the time. You knew what would happen once everything got revealed," he walked to his desk.
"What did I tell you about receiving presents from other people?" He began his lecture.
"You end up owing them something in return since nothing is for free," I mumbled.
"This is why we're going to decline everything. I can buy you most of the things you want once you earn them," he went with his initial proposal.
"But I can't buy the apartment and the gaming console," he had some conditions.
"I don't want them anymore," I knew the price for them.
"You don't have any friends except for family. That's why you don't know anything called goodwill," I found it pitiful.
"What did we tell you friends were?" Alex indirectly insulted most of the people in the room.
"You said it was temporary. Some people in this room came to be true friends because they were connected to each other by family," I never believed their explanation.
"You remembered everything but still asked for presents?" He began to raise his voice.
"But the both of you never had the experience of expanding your world," I couldn't completely blame them for being caged inside a small world.
"And who is the one friendly with all their past kidnappers?" Alex tried to point out.
"You're kidnappers too. You don't let me visit my parents anymore. They have to come to me after I get your approval," I didn't like to wait until the holidays.
"We're not your kidnappers Rika. We never placed you in danger like they did," Luke continued to deny the claims.
The lecture continued for more than seven hours, making everyone listen for a long time. I could tell they were shocked, hearing the content. Unfortunately, they were witnessing one of the lighter scolding, less threats added to them. Once Luke let me return to the other section of the room, the sky was starting to turn dark. I smiled to be able to face my friends again, "what games should we play next?"
"Isn't this brainwashing?" Oili softly murmured to Ethan.
"This is crazy," Ethan agreed.
"Everyone could notice the warnings mixed inside," Delia muttered.
"Can we start doing something now?" I interrupted them, wanting to do something to heal from the lecture.
"Is this normal for you?" Sienna couldn't hear my intentions.
"This is one of the lighter ones. Should we start with this multiplayer one?" I nodded my head.
"Most of the lectures are harsher to the point it doesn't compare to today," Shelly revealed.
"I'm running out of time for today," I wondered why everyone was ignoring me.
"How can it get harsher?" Cillian didn't believe Shelly.
"There's only so much they can do inside school. Once social week starts, they have more control," Shelly explained.
"It's time to leave the club room Rika," Luke started to drag me out.
I hoped this wouldn't continue into tomorrow. I didn't need pity if my friends were going to be too focused on it.